BC Cleared sunwell
WoTLK 5 min malygos, 3 drake sarth, Grand Cursadar, Cleared 11/12 ICC pre buff
Cata: Heroic Rag Prenerf
MoP: Cleared all the starting raids then had to leave do to SHOUTcasting for ESL for league of legends
Kinda stopped super pushing raids at that point and just raided in casual 2 to 3 day guilds
next big achievement would be Cutting Edge Ghuun
My name is John and I've been raiding since BC. With a ton of hardcore raid experience. I've done most raid content up to dragon soul at a top end level getting it done on time while playing my death knight. (Death knight has over 450 days played) Also got Sever First Grand Crusader Recently getting CE ghuun on her then quitting the next day for a year. More of a work break and just the crappy of that fight . Recently came back and started this lock because with work I could not tank on my death knight and meet the guilds raid times. And now I'm addicted to this lock.
Either way, have tons of experience and I want to find a EST guild that does not raid super late and is focused on progression. I work 10am to 6:30pm so anytime after that I can raid, but Can’t do past midnight so that I can actually sleep for the next day.
I Could sit here and ramble all day, but would rather chat. I want to find a home for shadowlands. I want to find a great group, not super toxic and wants to push content!
Lets chat!
JGussey#1719 battle tag
JGussey#4713 Discord