478 Rogue LF Guild

478 outlaw / 475 assa rogue LF Mythic raiding guild. (currently 2/12M)

Willing to transfer servers for a mythic raiding guild that also pushes high keys. Recently devoted all my time into this character rather than multiple characters at once and am looking to get into a progression minded guild.

I am available for any day of the week raid times presuming they end before Midnight and am online everyday as bad as that sounds.

If interested just shoot me a reply on this thread! Thanks :slight_smile:

LFM to join our guild . Our goal is to create an environment where EVERYONE can have fun, meet new friends, and raid in a laid back, yet competitive atmosphere. Our ultimate raiding goal is to create a core team this tier and clear CE next tier.
We are a Horde guild on Mal’Ganis.
Mythic + are always something we do when we are not raiding.
Currently 12/12 H… 3/12M
Raid times - Friday 8-11 PM EST.

  • Saturday 7-10 PM EST.
    Message me on discord if you’re interested

Raid times :

  • Heroic (Tues 6:30-8:30pm server time PST)
  • Mythic (Wed - 6:30-8:30pm Sat 7:00-9:00pm PST)

Current needs:

  • Range (Mage, warlock, hunter, spriest)
  • Heals (HPal, Priest)
  • Will also consider any player who is exceptional

Raider requirements:

  • Overall progression of knowledge at a reasonable pace
  • Mature, be able to handle constructive criticism
  • Discord (be able to listen at the least)
  • Preparedness (Repair, flasks, food, healing pots, prepots)

About us:
We’re a chill group of people, who are looking into some serious progression into mythic. We currently made it to 4/12M and plan on pushing further. We have lots of fun outside of raiding such as pvp (RGB’s every sunday), mythic + content, and whatever else you might be into. Extremely helpful to anyone with a positive attitude and looking to be part of our group. Light banter is par for the course on guild chat and discord, so don’t be easily offended.

Message : Abazaba#1420 for more info!

Color Blind - 11/12M Ny’alotha, 7/8M Eternal Palace, 9/9M BoD (8:30pm - 12am CST, Fri/Sat)

Part of the fantastic community < Seraph > of US-Mal’Ganis, Color Blind does its best not to earn its name every Friday and Saturday with some entertaining, laid back raids that even result in dead bosses!

If this sounds like the team for you, contact ilpad#1438 to chat, or visit SeraphGuild.com to apply!

< Seraph > of US-Mal’Ganis is a multi-team, adult raiding guild. We have been among the top guilds on the server for over ten years, and we will continue to be here for years to come. We offer a full community experience and make friendships and memories that last a lifetime.

With such a large community, we offer our raiders a wide selection of events to participate in. Our guild features:

  • Core raids for each team
  • Community raids open to all
  • Legacy & achievement events open to all
  • M+ Dungeons
  • Twitch hosting for raiders
  • Social Media promotion
  • Active guild discord
  • Blizzcon meetups

Each of our teams have unique needs and schedules. Please visit SeraphGuild.com to view the needs of each team! We are an adult guild and have an 18+ policy.

  • Color Blind - 11/12M Ny’alotha (8:30pm - 12am CST, F/S) - ilpad#1438
  • Insomnia - 7/12M Ny’alotha (10pm - 1am CST, W/Th) - trohe#1927
  • Clockwise - 12/12H Ny’alotha (8pm - 11am CST, Su) - oneg#11294
  • Loud Noises! - 10/12M Ny’alotha (9pm - 12am CST, Su/M) - falsify#1356
  • Barely Heroic - 12/12H Ny’alotha (10:30pm - 1:30am CST, T/Th) - kylani#1647

Guild Master: Ilpad (ilpad#1438)
Communications Director: Jaymie (jaymie#11120)
Visit SeraphGuild.com for more information, and watch us raid at http://twitch.tv/SeraphGuild!

Raid Times: Wednesday and Friday- 07:00PM EST to 10:00PM EST.
Current Progression: 3/12M
Recruitment Officer: Vegaobscura#1750 BNET
Discord: Vega#5686

Add me on Bnet - We should be a great fit for you Holykapow#1175

Good morning. I co lead a 3/12M group that currently raids Wednesday and Thursday, 9 AM to 11:30 AM ST on Tich which is PST. The guild is called A Little Salty. We’re a very active, friendly, adult guild. We do a bunch of M+'s. I run a normal raid, sometimes a heroic alt raid on weekends We do bgs from time to time.

We’ve lost several players due to attendance and COVID slowly letting jobs reopen.

We have no rogue!

Add me to btag, let’s chat and you can ask any questions you’d like. Miss Kay#11518

Hi there!
Epitaph is currently recruiting a couple of dps for our mythic raid group. We are currently 3/12M and raid tuesday/friday 9pm est to 11pm est. We alsp run mythic pluses daily :slight_smile:

If you are interested we would love for you to come tag along one of our raid nights to see if it could be a good fit.

Alikona #11551 is battlenet and Dem #5747 is discord. Hope to hear from you soon! <3.

Hi there! We’re always looking for more dps! Check us out at 9/12M, Tue/Wed 8:00-11:00 CST. Mythic Raiding Guild, LF DPS

Feel free to contact me any time.
(SwankyOrc#110857 bnet / Swankyorc#7838 Discord)
(Aimee#1121 bnet / Aimee#0573 Discord)

Hello, we are in high need of a rogue and I feel we could be a great fit for you and you being a great addition to us. I’d love to chat some more! Here’s our info for you.

Divine Minds is located on US Illidian Horde Side.

We are currently recruiting for our core mythic raid team.

We are 12/12H and with one night in mythic are 2/12M in just 3 weeks of raiding.

We raid two days a week - Wednesday and Friday 7PM-11PM EST.

Our highest needs are the following:

Ranged DPS - hunter, elemental shaman, balance Druid

Healers - holy pally, resto shaman, MW monk

Melee DPS - WW monk, Ret pally, rogue, enhancement shaman

Our goal is to push heroic content for AoTC and step into mythic and continue to progress as far into mythic content every tier.

we continuously run Mythic plus’ to help gear each other on off nights.

Casuals and Newer players are welcome as well!

We have started to discuss a pvp team as well for off nights as an additional perk to joining our guild!

If a guild like this interests you, please add me at Defusionz#1271.

4/12 M Guild LF More:
H - Tichondrius
Fri/Sat 10-1am EST
Newly made semi-serious guild looking to progress to CE.
(we will pay for transfer/faction change)

Contact me at Silvercloak#1372 if interested