Sup guys, I’m a 6/12M 478 (94 neck) Hunter LF a guild that is at least 10/12M+ or 9/12M and reclearing so I can reparse on earlier fights. I have prior CE/Aotc experience and have played Hunter since Mists of Pandaria.
I can competently play any class at a mythic raiding level, but my server’s raid scene is very small and the only guilds actively recruiting are casual guilds that won’t pass 8/12M this expansion even with extending every week. My current goal is reclearing for parses to lead into CE and find a good team for Shadowlands.
I’d be willing to faction transfer for a guranteed spot but I don’t want to pay $25 to sit on a bench. I won’t be watching this too closely so shoot me a dm on discord if you’re interested in talking to me. Riftly#1337
P.S. For the weekend guilds I am not saved this week so if you’re reclearing the first 5-6 bosses hit me up!