477 ilvl warrior 2900io lf solid 2 days raid schedules guild

Hi , im 28 years old , i have been playing this game for 12 years and im actually looking for a good guild to progress mythic content and start Shadowland with a great community. i would like to join a solid guild with a 2 days raid schedules due to in life situation , short cut story of my wow history ive been raiding hardcore 4 dayd per week on wotlk and mop but since then ive taken a break about raiding for several expansions so this year ive tried classic wow but i didnt like it at all so i came back on BFA 3-4 months ago to grind high raider io score cause i didnt have a guild to raid with but now i could make a 2 days per week to progress mythic into cutting edge , im the kind of player that always give his 200% to perform in raid and maximize my character so If you need a solid warrior in your guild pvp-pve wise for raiding or mythic + IO pushing let me know in game or on the post . I dont mind transfering my character on another realm but if prefer to stay horde tho.

Btag : Crixus#1532

LFM to join our guild . Our goal is to create an environment where EVERYONE can have fun, meet new friends, and raid in a laid back, yet competitive atmosphere. Our ultimate raiding goal is to create a core team this tier and clear CE next tier.
Once we have the numbers we will progress thru the current mythic content and Farm Heroic if need be.
Mythic + are always something we do when we are not raiding.
Raid times - Friday 8-11 PM EST.
- Saturday 7-10 PM EST.
PM me @ Derpin #1190.
Discord- Wyce#0556

[US] [Stormreaver] [H]

Important info:
-US server - Stormreaver - Horde
-Saturday / Sunday Raid Days 9pm - 12am MST
-Heroic Progression (with the option for mythic provided the interest is there)
-All Classes, Specs, and Roles wanted
-Contact B-net Wolf#16175 if you’re interested

Hello, KnightOwls is a new guild forming to raid in Shadowlands. We are looking for players willing to be the foundation that this guild can build on; who also struggle to make standard weekday raid times. As such KnightOwls is going to fill that niche. The main focus as of right now is the ability to have a raiding core for Shadowlands.

Although our focus is filling our core raid team in preparation for Shadowlands. Once we have a team together we can step into Ny’alotha.

Upon submission of an application, potential new members will be asked to conduct a small interview with the GM. this is to ensure that you are a good fit for the guild and that the guild will be a good fit for you.

KnightOwls is open to players of all skill levels however there will be some skill requirements, or the willingness to learn, for members seeking a position on the progression raid team.

If you are looking for a home, and raiding isn’t your thing, KnightOwls may still be the guild for you. While establishing the core For Shadowlands is important to us, we are still interested in M+ keys.

Hello Trawn,

Predominant is rebuilding. We are looking for 12/12H raiders to push Mythic content and have a solid roster before Shadowlands. We are looking for strong DPS and HEALS. Add me on real ID and let’s talk my BNET is Tinyturd#11434

Feel free to check our forum post: <Predominant> 10/12M. Recruiting 2-3 RDPS

And our website predominantguild(.)org for more information. Looking forward in hearing from you!


Gooeymilk (GM of Predominant)