476 unholy DK LF raiding guild

HiHi Chiêfmeister!

It sounds like our guild might be right up your alley. Here’s our spam in case you think so too:

< ChristianDadsOfOrgrimmar > (Lawl) - Spinebreaker-Horde - is looking for DPS players (all DPS welcome to apply) ilvl 455+ for our guild. We are currently 12/12H and 4+/12M (the + is because most of our core is 4/12 or higher, but from pugging or mixing with other guild runs). We are looking to progress as a guild within house only runs and are a solid group of players, but need some more DPS slots filled. Raids twice a week (Thurs/Sun 7PM Central until about 11PM) and Mythic+ daily.

Come join the cult. :wink: PST Zac08#11463 or Haxzz#1505 on bnet to apply and let them know Classiest sent you! Otherwise you can contact me directly on Discord ClassiGetsSassi#7777 before speaking to the officers. We look forward to hearing from you!

Hi Chiefmeister, from what you describe, I think our guild would fit your goals perfectly! Here is our information:

THE DEADMEN [Blackwater Raiders] - 4/12 Mythic, 12/12 Heroic


Progression Mythic Team: Tuesday/Thursday 8:00-11:00pm EST

Junior/Alt Heroic Team: Sunday 8:00-11:00pm EST


We are currently recruiting all classes and specs for permanent raid spots and backup positions. We hold tryouts every month for our raid roster, and we also have a “challenge” system implemented where any member may challenge a raid member for their spot. This challenge consists of a test of numbers, class mastery, and mechanic knowledge.

We require our raid team to have ilvl 470 gear, rank 15 cloak, rank 3 essences, and a working mic. Raid team members must be able to commit to the Tues/Thurs raid times and come with a positive attitude.


THE DEADMEN is the largest and most active guild on our server. In addition to our three raid nights, we hold Glory Raid Achievement runs every Saturday, and Hide & Seek nights every couple weeks. We run Mythic+ keystones daily, and Mondays are “Mythic Mondays” with most of the guild online to run keys. We are also very helpful when it comes to gearing alts and new players, with many members willing to run keys and Normal/Heroic Nyalotha to help gear up new characters.

We have a very social and friendly community. Most evenings have approximately 30-40 members online playing. Our discord server is very active. Most nights have 10-15 of our members utilizing our channel to socialize and hang out. However, all of our social events are optional.

Please message me on discord or in-game if you are interested in joining our team.

Discord: Avare#2045

Battle Tag: Avare#11639

Hello Chiefmesiter
Illidan [H] is 11/12M looking for raiders looking to get CE. We are a MORNING raiding guild. We currently have two raid teams, main raid team that is 11/12M currently working on Nzoth and raids WED/THU/FRI 8AM (NOT PM) to 11AM CST. Our second raid team raids Mondays 5/12M 8AM-11AM.

If this interests you let me know,

Withoutt#8803 -Discord
Without#1930- Bnet

Hello Chiêfmeister,

Act Naturally is an Alliance mythic progression raiding guild on Sargeras, looking for 1-2 mythic ready DPS to round out our roster. We are still pushing content, and getting ready for SL.

Our raid times are:
Tues 8:00-11:00pm Eastern Time (ET)
Thurs 8:00-11:00pm Eastern Time (ET)
Saturday Optional Alt Raid 8:00 - 11:00 pm (ET)
Progression: Ny’alotha 6/12M

If interested please contact Baldazar (GM and Raid Leader) on Discord at Talon#0185 or bnet at doc#1356

More details on the guild: 8/12M Team [A] - #22 by Piqua-sargeras

Good luck in your search!

bunch of us just returned about 2 months ago and are now heading into Mythic as of about 2 weeks ago. We’re 3/12M and raid 9pm-12am EST Tuesday and Thursday. Feel free to join us and try us out. Our recruitment post may not be as slick as these others guys. We apologize as we are just men and women of math, science and dick jokes.

Hey Chief! The post needs to be updated. But we are seeking a dk! Reach out to us if we sound like a good fit for ya! Have a good day!

Hey Chiêfmeister!

Hopefully your search is going well! I feel like Two Camels could be a great fit for what you are looking for. Our spam is below, hope to hear from you soon!

[H] Zul’jin < Two Camels in a Tiny Car > Tues / Thurs 10:30pm - 1:30 am Est
Server: Zul’Jin Faction: Horde

We are currently looking for dedicated players to join our raiding guild/team. Our guild has members that have been together for over 7 years and our goal is to build a community within the guild where our members can feel at home and have those friendships. We are a group of people that enjoy playing the game with each other and focus on the current raiding content. We have a laid-back raid environment while also making sure we are focusing on taking down bosses. We also enjoy pushing mythic+ keys and want to include everyone that comes into our guild, regardless of what the content is.

Our current plan is to get everyone their AoTC, most of us have our AoTC achievement but there are a few returning raiders that do not. We plan on being a Heroic / Mythic raiding guild with the understanding that not everyone will want to move on to Mythic raiding and that’s okay we want you to play YOUR game in this guild.

Raid Times are set for Tuesday and Thursday ( 12/12 H , 2/ 12 M )
-7:30 PM - 10:30 PM PST
-9:30 PM - 12:30 AM CST
-10:30 PM - 1:30 AM EST


  • Currently looking for 2 dps for our Core Mythic Team.
  • All players are welcome, whether experienced or just willing to learn and push their character
  • We are also asking for the more casual raider or player that might not have the time to devote to a raid team but would like to step in if needed and get a few bosses down and see the raiding content. We welcome the mythic + raider that enjoys that part of the game , we run two teams right now but we can do more. PvP as well and why not lets throw it all in, we need you PvP players as much as we need the PvE players.
    If you are interested in our guild please contact us either by Btag or Discord



We look forward to talking

1 Like

Hey Chief,

Add me and we’ll chat if you’d like. 5/12M horde guild established in BoD, Tue & Thu 8p-11p EST, guild provided flasks/pots/food/runes/tomes/gems/enchants and 24/7 repairs. We run a Monday optional fun run and a Saturday Jaina mount run.
Bnet: Jaystir#1960
Discord(preferred): Jaystir#1204


Divine Minds is a 5/12M guild on US Illidan, Horde side. We are recruiting for our core Mythic raiding team, looking for DPS and healers with strong numbers and a priority for mechanics.

Our current progression boss is Ra-Den.

We raid on Wednesday and Friday from 6-10 server time/CST.

Our priorities for classes are a WW Monk, Ret Paladin, Ele/Enh Shaman, Unholy/Frost DK and Feral/Balance Druid; all exceptional players will be considered regardless of spec.

Our goal is to continue progressing as far as we can into this raid tier and get ready to do the same in Shadowlands!

Outside of raiding, we have a lot of active members who like to push high keys. We have many members with an IO score of over 2000 and many more climbing. If PvP is more your thing we have an RBGs team and several multiglads that love to run arenas.

If a guild like this interests you, please add me at Defusionz#1271.

I’m the GM of Sodality. We’re an Alliance guild on the server Dalaran. We’re 9/12M and consider ourselves Mythic Casual. Basically we take it serious enough to progress and get better but don’t want it to be a job or be around elitist jerks. We raid Tues 8pm-11pm and Sun 5pm-8pm EST.

If interested - Clearstrider#1352 on Bnet

Hey there, Bolt#11664

[H] 12/12M! |TUES/THURS/SUN|8-11 EST|

Hey Chiefmeister!

Ashen Crusade is now recruiting! An active and social Horde guild, located on Thrall, looking for exceptional dps and players to join our ranks.

Core raiding team - 5/12 Mythic - Raiding Wednesday and Thursdays 8pm – 11pm EST

  • Looking for dps!

Second raiding team - 12/12 Heroic – Raiding Saturday 8pm - 11pm EST

  • Looking for all!

For all those non-raiders out there, we have keys running constantly, ranging from M0s up 15+ and looking to push higher!
We plan on finishing this xpac strong and go into Shadowlands with a competitive, solid group. For all inquiries please feel free to contact me here, discord or on Bnet!

Bnet: Skylitnight#11667
Discord: Skylitnight#1896

Hey Chiefmeister!

Emergence - Mal’ganis is a new raiding guild which recently came together for the back end of BfA with its sights set on Shadowlands. We have started our foray into Nyalotha in advance of Shadowlands, and after two raid nights we sit at 11/12H with our sights set on AotC as a guild, and onward to mythic kills.

Our Vision: Emerging Together

Emergence began with a clear goal in mind; build a tight knit group of raiders who enjoy themselves playing together, giving us the tools to become a competitive raiding guild, a great destination for quality raiders and individuals, and eventually achieve CE. We intend to emulate the good-old-days raiding guilds of the past; a guild in which players are not just toons slotted into a role, but rather a collection of friends who are able to enjoy themselves in and out of raid - all while killing bosses in a timely fashion.

We are building a roster of people who show respect to one another and are in it for the long haul. We are looking for individuals with a mindset of team play, enjoyment, and performance – in that order. We understand frustration during progression and mistakes; these are unavoidable parts of the game we play. This said, we expect our raiders to perform at a high level and will be maintaining a competitive roster.

Recruitment Needs: About You

We are currently recruiting DPS for our core raid team.


  • Mage ( HIGH )
  • Hunter ( HIGH )
  • Warlock (MEDIUM)
  • Shadow Priest (MEDIUM)
  • Ele Shaman (MEDIUM)


  • Windwalker Monk (MEDIUM)
  • Enhance Shaman (MEDIUM)
  • Rogue (LOW)
  • Warrior (LOW)

If you are an experienced and geared raider looking for a new home for Shadowlands who fits the bill of our vision and needs, please apply!

If you are a returning player or otherwise behind the curve, we want to hear from you as well!

Schedule: 8-11 CST Tuesday/Wednesday/Sunday*

Sunday is a temporary progression night early in the tier, and a fun-run/night off otherwise.

Apply Now:

Please contact myself (Discord: Raz#8161, Btag: Raz#1241) or Gudds, our raid leader (Discord: Gudds#3932), or drop your info in this thread. We will add you to our discord and share our application with you from there.

Thank you! We look forward to hearing from you. Let us know if you have any questions.

What we are looking for in a Mythic Raider
Mythic Team Tuesday|Wednesday|Thursday Invites at 8:15 PM. First, pull at 8:30 PM till 11:30 PM EST

  • A dedicated player who researches the fights prior to walking in to kill it that night.
  • Full understanding of your class and specs and a willingness to learn others
  • Dependability, determination and dedication and consistency in performance
  • Basic understanding of Warcraft Logs and how to read logs, or a willingness to learn
  • A Player who has a sense of humor, but knows when to buckle down and get progression bosses down
  • Above all else, Respect to other team/guild members

Currently Recruiting
All Exceptional Players
Progression 3/12Mythic

Discord: Joetalatte#5238

Greetings! Virtually Impossible is an established late night guild that has been raiding together for over three expansions now. We focus on an adult friendly, socially active attitude that raids twice a week with an emphasis on clearing AOTC and Casual/Hardcore Mythic progression every content. We pride ourselves on community and that aspect has given us great success!

Need to know:
Returning players welcome!
Casual/Hardcore raid environment focusing on Heroic & Mythic Progression.
Raid Days/Times:
Progression Raid - Tues & Wed 12-3am EST
Sunday Funday Alt Run - Sun 12-3am EST
Current progression: 12/12H, 4/12M
Raid Needs: 1 Tank & any exceptional DPS.

If this sounds like a potential match please reach out to one of our officers:
Aradne#11285(RealID) or Aradne#5473(Discord)
Geminai#1265(RealID) or Geminai#6458(Discord)
Senpaimage#1639(RealID) or Senpaimage#3668(Discord)

Confusion is a Horde guild located on Illidan looking build up a roster, kill Nzoth, and go into Shadowlands with a solid roster. We are a semi-hardcore progression guild that is committed to completing as much mythic content as possible. We encourage a friendly community who are typically on grinding content and running mythic pluses. We have a Cutting Edge core, and we are always looking to improve our roster. We have high hopes and chances to get CE!

Raid Days :
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Raid Times: (9 hours weekly)
9:00PM PST to 12:00AM PST
10:00PM MST to 01:00AM MST
11:00PM CST to 02:00AM CST
12:00AM EST to 03:00AM EST

Progression :
0/12M - Most likely, when we do have enough members to raid, we will skip to Carapace, and kill Nzoth!
(Our core is made up of Cutting Edge players)

forms .gle/6tsJFdQvESkuz2zZ6 (REMOVE THE SPACE)

For any questions please contact on Battlenet:
Zenine#11353 or Tanar#1441


LFM to join our guild Wet Wet. Our goal is to create an environment where EVERYONE can have fun, meet new friends, and raid in a laid back, yet competitive atmosphere. Our ultimate raiding goal is to create a core team this tier and clear CE next tier.
We are a Horde guild on Mal’Ganis.
Mythic + are always something we do when we are not raiding.
Currently 12/12 H… 6/12M…56% on Ra’den
Heroic/Trial Runs are on Tuesday 7PM EST.
Raid times - Friday 8-11 PM EST.
- Saturday 7-10 PM EST.
PM me @ Derpin #1190.
Discord- Wyce#0556

Hi Cheif,

We’re recruiting for shadowlands and looking for returning players with some prior mythic experience who want to step into a more organized raid environment going into the expansion.

Here’s our post so you can give us a look

BE CONTINUED is a Mythic Progression Guild on Zul’jin - Horde

We’re fairly new however, we have been adding to our ranks and we are looking to continue to grow. As a guild, we offer stability for all of our members. Additionally, BE CONTINUED is an extension of STORM Esports, a Discord community that has grown over the last couple of years offering members - LoL, CS: GO, Valorant, Call of Duty, Pokemon, Fortnite, Overwatch, Rocket League, Minecraft, Apex and other games to play in our interactive community.

What we are looking for in a Mythic Raider Mythic Team Tuesday|Wednesday|Thursday Invites at 8:15 PM. First, pull at 8:30 PM till 11:30 PM EST

  • A dedicated player who researches the fights prior to walking in to kill it that night.

  • Full understanding of your class and specs and a willingness to learn others

  • Dependability, determination and dedication and consistency in performance

  • Basic understanding of Warcraft Logs and how to read logs, or a willingness to learn

  • A Player who has a sense of humor, but knows when to buckle down and get progression bosses down

  • Above all else, Respect other teams/guild members

Currently Recruiting:
All Exceptional DPS & Healers will be reviewed!
Specifically looking for Fire Mages, Warlocks, Balance Druids, Beast Master Hunters, Elemental Shamans

Progression 4/12 Mythic

Contact Discord: Joetalatte#5238

Faction: Horde
Realm: Hyjal
Raid Times: Wed/Thur 7:30 - 11:00pm PST

Hello Chiefmeister! I am the GM / Raid Lead for Take on Me, a Horde guild located on Hyjal with the primary focus being making friends and learning to overcome challenging content together. Mythic raid progression, Insightful and fun mythic+ runs, and achievement runs at the end of each raid tier. These are just a few of the activities our team regularly participates in and we would like to invite you!

If you are interested in learning more about us and want to be a part of a guild with a proven history and a bright future feel free to stop by our forum post and get in contact with me over bnet or discord and I would be happy to answer any questions you may have or just have a chat!

Discord: MOARCOOKIEZ#3023

We look forward to hearing from you!