Hello! I am a 476 Resto Druid who is currently 6/12 Mythic Nyalotha. I would prefer to stay Alliance side, but am open to potentially going horde as well.
I am looking for a new guild because I want a main healing spot on a roster as at the moment I am not getting to heal mythic at all. I do not mind going off-spec DPS when necessary (I have a boomkin set), but DPS’ing all bosses is not something I am interested in.
I have many years of Mythic Raiding Experience, although it has been quite spread out. I have also recently come back from a break. My progression for tiers I mythic raided is as follows. I have AoTC for all tiers since I started playing the game in WoD, with the exception of Eternal Palace, as I was taking a break from the game at the time.
6/12M Ny’alotha (BfA)
3/9M Battle for Dazar’Alor (BfA)
4/7M Emerald Nightmare (Legion)
12/13M Hellfire Citadel (WoD)
Feel Free to respond here or message me on Bnet or Discord.
Bnet: Kynariel#1872
Discord: Kynariel#0363