476 DH LF Raiding Team and Mythic+

I recently faction change to the horde and looking for a new guild. I have raided almost every tier this expansion besides this current one. I took a bit of a hiatus and switch roles from healer to dps. Am looking to get aotc and to push keys. Most of my days are open to raid/keys. Times that would work would be 8:30pm-1am Est.

Battletag: Rainmaker#11317

Greetings Bakayoke, my est casual mythic team could use a few more dps! Hope to chat, take care :slight_smile:

<Hubris> [H] Semi Casual Heroic/Mythic PST - #270 by Abscynth-malorne

We are Sublime a Horde guild on Hyjal. We are a laid back, yet serious mythic guild and we are currently 4/12M with progression on Hivemind. Our raid nights are Tues/Wed from 7-10pst and we have an optional heroic alt night on Fridays from 7-10pst. We also run M+ throughout the week.
We like our raiders to play the character they want to play and enjoy playing, though some have alts that they also enjoy and do bring them into raid if it is needed depending on the fight.

If you are interested, we would love to hear from you.
Battletag is tehfluffyone#1150
Disc is Devana#8731.
Look forward to hearing from you :slight_smile:

We’d love to chat!

Who We Are

Inferiority is a new guild of CE and veteran raiders on Area-52 looking to build a raid team to finish this tier of BFA and get ready to crush Shadowlands while achieving Cutting Edge. We are looking for like minded and skilled players who are interested in progression raiding on a light, 3 day schedule.

As stated, we are a freshly formed guild. We are looking to fill all roles in the team. If you are a veteran raider, previous AOTC/CE raider who is in need of a new start or are coming back from a break, we are the guild for you!


12/12H Ny’alotha

Raid Times

Tues/Thurs/Sun 10:00p-1:00a EST
(Sunday dropped after progression)

What We're Looking For

Healers : Shaman / Priest

If you’re interested drop us your battle tag or add any of our officers to talk!

Kovas#11562 (Battle Tag)
Kovas#2257 (Discord)
MaddyLif3#1687 (Battle Tag)
MaddyLif3#3418 (Discord)

Still looking