476 4/12M Boomkin Newly Transferred LF Guild

Hello, I’ve newly transferred to Mal’Ganis and I’m looking for a long term guild. Some of the things I’m looking for are listed below.

-Progressing in Mythic still I would prefer a guild that’s around 4/12 or a guild that is doing re-clears and has a spot available.
*I’m also open to a newly formed/forming guild that has strong potential I realize it might not be progressing and that’s okay but lets talk about it. If I join a newly formed one I’d like it to have some substance behind it so it doesn’t fall apart before SL.

-Guild is active and not just raid logging

-The terms hardcore/casual mean very different things to different people. I’m looking for a guild who’s goal is to progress mythic every raid tier CE isn’t mandatory I just want a guild that wants to get as far as they can and not just give up after AOTC.

-Looking for at least 2 days a week raiding or 3. I’m not interested in 1 day.

-Personality I’d prefer a guild that isn’t super cliqy or full of people who just trash the game. I get that lots of people don’t like BFA but people who drone on about it while I’m trying to enjoy my time playing it gets pretty annoying.

-Plan on going into SL strong

*I have logs and links to whatever you may need. Add me on bnet or Discord lets talk about what you have and what I can provide. Discord - Rookguard#8430 Bnet - Rook#12130