475 Warlock 9/12 M LF MYTHIC GUILD


I’m not looking to join your “community guild” or “RP” guild. I am looking for a mythic raiding guild with similar or higher progression then myself. I am a competent player, smart, learn fast, do mechanics, do dps, committed to playing at a high level. I want to find something now and moving forward into Shadowlands. I do not want to join a trolling guild / memeing / twitch kid or a group just out there to have “fun” while raiding. When I raid, I am focused and all my attention is on progression and I want to play with other like minding players. I am EST, would like to play on reasonable EST time and preferably 2 nights a week. I am not in a rush to join a guild right now, looking for the best fit.

Here is my logs:

warcraftlogs. com/character/us/malganis/ boij

Here is my io:

raider. io/characters/us/malganis/ Boij

Here is my bnet:


Hey there! We are not EST but perhaps we can interest you in coming along for reclears and beyond into Shadowlands.

Please Taunt on US-Hyjal, 12/12 M (US 179), 8/8 M AEP (US 157), 9/9M BoD 6-hour / week team.

We’re honest with people about mistakes and performance, and expect our players to take criticism well. We’re looking for players who share our team mentality, and as long as you’re outgoing and interested in playing the game with us, you’ll be happy playing here.

Tuesday - Wednesday 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm PST

Fill out this very short form if you want to chat with us about playing here :slight_smile:

https:// forms.gle/5Arvyfvd1vjxdcHW7 (delete the space after the slashes)

I work a 9 - 5 so this wouldn’t work out for me, thanks for reaching out though

Hello Boij, I would like to talk with you about joining Sauce on Mal’ganis. We’re currently 11/12M Nya in need of a skill Warlock as yourself.

All relevant info is in this link

TLDR - Sauce raids on Tues/Weds/Thurs 8:30pm to 11pm EST.

You can reach me at Uza#1286 or on one of the bnet tags listed in the link. Look forward to hearing from you.

Hello there Boij Chaos Reborn 12/12M is currently looking for another lock to bolster our roster going into shadowlands. We raid Tues/Weds/Thurs 8-11EST on Mal’ganis. I added you if your interested let us know.


Perseus // US // Horde // Mal’Ganis

Currently we are taking applications and inquiries from qualified players who are seeking to define the Horde raid scene in Shadowlands.

What does that mean ? To us that means the following:
1.) Hall of Fame
2.) Top 20 US
3.) Build a name for ourselves as a community and as individuals

Our Schedule:
Tues 9:00-12:00PM EST
Wed 9:00-12:00PM EST
Thurs 9:00-12:00PM EST (During Progression)
Sunday 9:00-12:00PM EST (During Progression)



  • Qualifying logs in Mythic (regardless of tier)
  • Able to commit to our goals

About us:
We are a group of dedicated raiders looking to push Top 20 US in Shadowlands our outlook on raiding and the game is simple, we want to be at the pinnacle of the raiding community. We plan on progressing through content at a set pace which may initially scare your typical casual raider away from our approach. Once progression is over we take a 2 week break and shift to raiding with a lighter schedule. If you are unable to critique yourself with the same energy you do others please do not apply.

Our guild is a group of friends and acquaintances. We expect members to cooperate with each other and do what’s best for the team. We distribute gear by loot council with performance and consistency put first. We count on each other to research and perform at a level fitting our 10+ years of hardcore progression raiding.

We also know that maintaining a healthy guild roster requires more than 20 members, to allow for absences and comp flexibility. We understand that no one is entitled to a 100% raid spot, and are courteous swapping in and out as the fights need. Our ideal roster size is about 22-25 players with 95% attendance.

Our application process starts you as a trial and gets you into some raids right away. If things go well through your first 3 weeks, you’ll be promoted to raider. We expect our recruits to be of a similar gear and experience level at our point in progression. They must get along with our guild inside and outside of raids, and must put progression as a team ahead of personal goals and loot. Being active and social is a big part of showing us your best as a trial.

A quick history of Perseus:
Perseus is a conglomerate of top US players who have grown tired of stagnation in their current guilds progress. Even though we are the new kids on the block we understand what it will take and what is required of us to achieve our goals. We have been competitive raiders since Vanilla and more than hold our own as individual players.

Over the years our members have consistently been apart of the best, oldest, and most respected US guilds, with numerous top 20 kills and achievements. Guild accomplishments include top 30 Naxxramas clear at level 60, top 50 Sunwell clear at level 70 (pre-3.0), Death’s Demise, top 50 H LK 25M, top 50 Heroic Ruby Sanctum clear at level 80, top 75 Sinestra kill, top 30 H:Ragnaros kill and a top 20 H:Madness kill.

How to Apply:
Please use the google application listed below to apply. If we’re interested we’ll get back to you within 1-2 days. For additional inquiries contact Sarrus in game
Bnet: Sarrus#1238
App: https://forms.gle/JZxGTa9wM4ekZCic8

We are 3 nights a week, but in case you’re interested hit one of us up

(10/12 M) [H - Mal’ganis] is currently recruiting for our Mythic Progression Team. We raid Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 8-11 est. We have multiple officers and members with past CE experience. Our current roster has gotten Carapace to sub 20% on two nights of pulls. If you’re interested in getting Cutting Edge in a friendly, but serious environment, we’d love to have you join! We also are accepting social members for m+ and pvp.

Currently, we are heavily looking to recruit the following roles:

  • Warlock
  • Mage
  • Holy Paladin
  • Resto Sham

Additionally, we have some spots on our roster and will look into any classes and specs. After N’zoth is down, we will talk about Shadowlands in hopes of becoming a top 25 guild on the server for the first tier. If you feel like you can compete and down Cara and N’zoth please contact any of the officers below.

GM (Heals) - Starv - Bnet: Starvnmarvnn#1239 Discord: Starvnmarvnn#8189
Officer (DPS) - Teach - Bnet: Historyteach#1207 Discord: teach#0813
Officer (Tank) - Lonarra - Bnet: Rasaleana#1986 Discord: Lon#2316
Officer (DPS) - Narkos - Bnet: Narc#11181
Officer - (AM) Trashly - Bnet: minionxd#11609 Discord: Trashlyy#4529