Geared and experienced mage looking for a weekday raiding guild. I was trialing for Crisp before everything went down. I have been playing since Vanilla.
Great listener, can always be the one to count on to do mechanics while competing at a top level.
Whenever you decide to come to Horde you can join us if you want
<Gruuls Gone Wild> <H> 10/12M - Wed/Thur/Mon - 8/11pm EST
What happened with crisp?
[A] Delirium :: 11/12M Nya :: US-Proudmoore
LF Tank, Ranged DPS
Wed, Sun 9PM-12AM EST (6PM-9PM PST) 6h/wk
Hey Vendixon! We are a chill raid team that is looking to add one or two players to our group for mythic raid content. We run a relatively small guild of skilled players who enjoy a positive, efficient environment for raids and M+. Good luck in your guild search!
Check out our recruitment post to learn more!
[A][Proudmoore]<Delirium> 12/12M NYA LF RANGED DPS
Bnet - Neph#11581 ; Discord – Neph#9821
Not gonna leave a huge chunk of spam - just the initial info below.
I think you’d be a good fit and I’d love to have a personal conversation with you about your plans for the rest of this expansion / SL and see if we are a good fit for each other.
Guild - Average Effort
10/12M Leadership
Good bit of top 100 US players.
5/12M in our first night into mythic
Tues-Thurs nights 8-11 Est
Big Goals for SL
Proxyhatch#8274 on discord.
Confusion is a Horde guild located on Illidan looking build up a roster, kill Nzoth, and go into Shadowlands with a solid roster. We are a semi-hardcore progression guild that is committed to completing as much mythic content as possible. We encourage a friendly community who are typically on grinding content and running mythic pluses. We have a Cutting Edge core, and we are always looking to improve our roster. We have high hopes and chances to get CE!
Raid Days :
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Raid Times: (9 hours weekly)
9:00PM PST to 12:00AM PST
10:00PM MST to 01:00AM MST
11:00PM CST to 02:00AM CST
12:00AM EST to 03:00AM EST
Progression :
0/12M - Most likely, when we do have enough members to raid, we will skip to Carapace, and kill Nzoth
(Our core is made up of Cutting Edge players)
forms .gle/6tsJFdQvESkuz2zZ6 (REMOVE THE SPACE)!
For any questions please contact on Battlenet:
Zenine#11353 or Tanar#1441
Hey there!
We are currently recruiting for 2 R DPS spots, open immediately.
< Voltage > is a 2-Day (6 Hours/Week!) semi-hardcore raiding guild on Arthas Horde. We currently 12/12M , raiding only 6 hours a week. Our goal is to push Cutting Edge each tier on a limited schedule.
[Schedule] - All Times are Eastern Standard Time
Monday - 8:30pm to 11:30pm
Wednesday - 8:30pm to 11:30pm
Tuesday - Optional Raid Night (Heroic)
At least AOTC, with Mythic experience from the current tier. (With Logs)
Complete at least a +15 mythic dungeon each weekly.
Be able to make Monday and Wednesday raid times. (90%+ Attendance)
Be able to use Discord and a mic during raid nights.
If you’re interested in applying, please add me to ask any questions, and I will send you a link for our application
Cyberz#11856 on bnet, or Cyberz#0339 on discord.
We are looking for long term players who put the team first, and who understand that the guild is a group of individuals working towards a common goal