475 BM Hunter LF Guild!

Good morning Vespii, Mythically Delicious (5/12M) is looking for hunters with previous raiding experience like yourself! We formed our guild 3 weeks ago after our former guild called progression for the tier in order to keep progress in mythic as far as we can before pre-patch hits. We cleared the first 5 in 2 weeks and we are working on Xanesh now. We raid Tuesday and Wednesday from 8 to 11 PM EST. We want to do mythic raiding in a friendly and supportive environment. We also have lots of players that runs M+ with io scores between 2k to 3k. Please contact me at Aiolos#1997 or Cake (AngelofMercy#1707) if you are interested and have any questions. We’d love to hear from you! Have a mythically delicious day!