474 BrM Tank 3/12M 2k+ IO LFG

I am looking for a guild to start Mythic progression on either my Lock(466 currently) or my Brewmaster. I would also like to be able to participate in some more serious M+ groups. Bnet: IMfierypanda#1638 DM me.

I also have a DH buddy(474 2.1k IO) who would likely be interested to move with me.

If this sounds like your guild send me a DM please.


Hello Fierypanda,

We are currently looking for another tank for our second raid group! I think you could fit this role.
Illidan [H] is 11/12M looking for raiders looking to get CE. We are a MORNING raiding guild. We currently have two raid teams, main raid team that is 11/12M currently working on Nzoth and raids WED/THU/FRI 8AM (NOT PM) to 11AM CST. Our second raid team raids Mondays 5/12M 8AM-11AM.

If this interests you let me know,

Withoutt#8803 -Discord
Without#1930- Bnet

Hey, feel free to check us out at Predominant 10/12M after rebuild - LF 3-4 RDPS for our Mythic core

If you are interested let us know and we can have a conversation. We are looking for competition in all roles.

12/12H 3/12M guild formed by a group of people that have been playing games together for 5+ years. LF members that want to clear content and have fun doing so. We are a group of crude adults focused on having a fun raid environment where we enjoy to play with each other and can clear some content while we’re at it. Raid tues/thurs 6-9 central. LF DPS and a healer with a DPS O/S. We also have a lot of members that push keys, and would like to get an RBG group going before too long. You can usually catch me online on this guy, or just whisper someone in guild for an officer. My btag is yourself#11772