Hello. I go by Sed. I’ve played World of Warcraft for somewhere around ten years. Rogue since late WoD. I started raiding at the start of Legion and have been mostly an AOTC raider since with more of a focus on keys but looking to join a guild for mythic progression for Ny’alotha or Shadowlands. Dabbled in mythic a tiny bit in Battle for Dazar’alor and achieved 3/9M. I have a strong will to improve myself as a player. Would like to transfer servers.
Messed up character selection. Rogue is here
We’d love to talk! Looking for DPS to flush out the roster for mythic. I’ll leave the spam below.
Who We Are
Inferiority is a new guild of CE and veteran raiders on Area-52 looking to build a raid team to finish this tier of BFA and get ready to crush Shadowlands while achieving Cutting Edge. We are looking for like minded and skilled players who are interested in progression raiding on a light, 3 day schedule.
As stated, we are a freshly formed guild. We are looking to fill all roles in the team. If you are a veteran raider, previous AOTC/CE raider who is in need of a new start or are coming back from a break, we are the guild for you!
12/12H Ny’alotha
Raid Times
Tues/Thurs/Sun 10:00p-1:00a EST
(Sunday dropped after progression)
What We're Looking For
Healers : Shaman / Priest
If you’re interested drop us your battle tag or add any of our officers to talk!
Kovas#11562 (Battle Tag)
Kovas#2257 (Discord)
MaddyLif3#1687 (Battle Tag)
MaddyLif3#3418 (Discord)
Hey there, not for sure how you feel about Alliance, but if if it’s something you would consider give me a shout! (BTag is below)
attle Hardened is a PVE guild on the Wyrmrest Accord server. With a close-knit group of friends, we boast a mythic raid team and a friendly atmosphere for all.
We are all in this guild because we have the same ideals in mind; we want to be able to progress through World of Warcraft successfully, and enjoy our time as we do so.
Raid Schedule:
Tuesday 6-9pm Server (PST) - Mythic Progression ++
Wednesday 6-9pm Server (PST) - Mythic Progression ++
Thursday 6-9pm Server (PST) - Paid AOTC Carries
Sunday 6-9pm Server (PST) - WRA Server Mythic Run (Alt Friendly)
++ Denotes mandatory raid nights for mythic raiders.
We would love for you to consider us! Add Savius#1232 to BTag for any questions.
You can see our forum post here: [A] 10/12M < Battle Hardened > LFM PROGRESSION-READY Raiders!
Good morning Sedatives!
My guild is adult-only, AoTC and 4/12M (with a 7% wipe on Hivemind), we are looking for DPS who can be a part of our Heroic Thursday runs as well as backup to our Mythic Friday-Saturdays. Our name is Corrupted Cannoli and we are located on Area 52.
Thursday: 8-10pm EST Heroic
Fri-Sat: 8-11pm EST Mythic
Our raiders that are recruited for backup roles will be highly considered for mythic roles when the space becomes available. If you are interested, please give me a shout on battlenet Okashiro#11455
Thank you and good luck!
We raid Wed/FRi 7-10pm EST
< Do Not Release> [H] on Bleeding Hollow is recruiting for our new mythic team! We are a two night, mythic raiding guild who are starting fresh
Raid Times: Wednesday and Friday- 07:00PM EST to 10:00PM EST.
Current Progression: 12/12H AoTC
Current Needs:
Tank: Open
Melee DPS: Ret Paly, Arms Warrior, Rogue
Ranged DPS: Fire Mage, Destro Lock
Healer: Full
Guild Requirements: Prefer 80+ heart and Rank 15 cloak.
Come prepared to raid with anything you may need for the night, and arrive 15 min early. Food, flask, repairs and enchants are provided as needed once trial period is over.
We have been around since BC, with some having been around since vanilla. For the first couple tiers, we were primarily focused on AoTC achievement. This tier, we began to make the transition to a CE focused guild. and prepare for Shadowlands. We like to think we are a very unique guild, that labels themselves more as a community.
Our members all joke around, and have fun both in raid and out. Many of us play multiple other games together on off nights, as well as pushing M+. For this reason, we look for good fits to join our community.
Would love to chat a little more with you and see if we are a good match!
Recruitment Officer: Vegaobscura#1750 BNET
Discord: Vega#5686
Add me and lets talk
I’m recruiting for a (VERY) new guild: [Phasers On Stun] horde side on Illidan. Raid times are 12pm-3pm central time on Saturday/Sunday (weekend afternoons). I’m 9/12m and looking to get back to that area as soon as possible. I know that committing to a brand new guild is super scary but I have successfully built and led guilds before for a few years, and if it would make you feel better obviously nobody is required to transfer until raiding successfully starts. We’ve cleared heroic and got 2 mythic bosses down (with the help of a couple pugged friends).
Discord: brandy#9982
battle.net: brandy#1599
Hey Sed, we aren’t mythic yet, but we’re hoping to start in 3-4 weeks.
[A] - Proudmoore [12/12H-NYA] 2 Day/6hr Raiding Guild is recruiting 8PM – 11PM PST
US - Proudmoore/Alliance
About us:
- is a raiding guild that has been around for several years. We have players that have experience back to Vanilla and new players that started in BFA.
- We are looking to build up our roster to push into Mythic for the end of the expansion and into Shadowlands
What you can expect from us as a guild:
- Strong/passionate/driven leadership that does not give up.
- A sense of community and direction.
- Communication.
- An enjoyable relaxed place to raid where we aren’t going to beat you up about parses and will do whatever we can to help you improve.
What we expect from our trials:
- Prepared with relevant consumables, gear, addons, and knowledge for raid.
- Effort to integrate yourself with guild’s community.
- 100% attendance during 2 week trial.
- The drive to improve personal play.
Roll for Blame - [12/12H-NYA]
6 hr/wk Raid Schedule:
- Tuesday: 11:00PM-2:00AM EST / 10:00PM – 1:00AM CST / 9:00PM – 12:00AM MST / 8:00PM – 11:00PM PST (PST is Server Time)
- Thursday: 11:00PM-2:00AM EST / 10:00PM – 1:00AM CST / 9:00PM – 12:00AM MST / 8:00PM – 11:00PM PST (PST is Server Time)
Current Recruitment Needs
- Recruitment is currently open for ALL classes and specs . This section will be updated as the roster fills out.
- Outside of scheduled raid times, the guild is active in mythic + with several members that are pushing for higher IO scores. We also will set up occasional heroic/mythic runs to gear alts or run achievements.
How to apply:
- Please reach out to me via BattleTag: (Anìsro) - Anisro#11547
Don’t hesitate to message if I’m on mobile – I can chat with you on my phone as well!
Don’t hesitate to message if I’m on mobile – I can chat with you on my phone as well!
We appreciate your time and interest. Best of luck with your search!
Hey there Sed, I’d love to chat!
We’re looking for a rogue for a core spot on our progression team. Please review and let me know what you think!
TLDR: Non-elitist guild seeks dps to kill all the things. Tues/Thurs 8-11pm EST raids; 6/12m, 12/12h progression.
</Ninja Kittenz/> is a fun, active guild with Mythic focus that would love to add more solid people to our team. We’re specifically looking for players who like progress without the elitist attitude. We pride ourselves in being active on and off raid times and are looking for players who will do the same.
Raid Times:
Progression: Tues+Thurs 8-11pm EST
Heroic Runs: Monday 8:30-10:30pm EST
6/12M, 12/12H Nya
We run Mythic Keys every day.
We run an M+ community through our disc - join our discord, try us!
(no really cman down even just for keyyys, add away!)
B-net: Saxx#1747
Disc: Abs#5438
Hi there sed, we are currently looking for a few more melee for our core raid team.
Tawny Wind Rider Gang (4/12M; 12/12H) is recruiting DPS for mythic progression. We are focused on AOTC each tier and then pushing Mythic. Raids are Tues/Thurs 8-11p Eastern. Outside of raid we have an alt raid on sundays (optional) and push keys throughout the week
All Specs Welcome to apply; priority recruitment:
BM Hunter
Arms Warrior
Shaman (dps)
Fire Mage
Doctersauce#1397 - Me