473 BM Hunter LF Home

6/9 H BM Hunter LF Team, multi CE Player returning from break. Open to most days/times but perfer fri/sat/sun late night.



Hey there, Bold may be a good fit.

We are on Stormrage and raid Sat/Sun 8:30PM - 11:30PM EST. For a few weeks we will also have an optional raid on Friday nights at the same time for normal / heroic clears.

If interested hmu on btag. Reluctor#1255

Hey there! I’m Exxiee, I help recruit for spaceshipjuicebox on Thrall

We are a guild that has been together Since S1 Shadowlands, we are looking for fellow like minded relaxed but prepared gamers to keep pushing content in 10.2! We only raid 4 hours a week and we are extremely efficient! We love playing the game and we don’t need to make it another “job” we have very competitive DPS and we expect you to keep your character up to date and doing weekly M+ keys!

We’re currently 9/9N and 3/9H.

We raid from 10:30 pm EST to 12:30 am EST (7:30pm-9:30pm PST) on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Currently Recruiting:

---- DPS ----

Healers may be possible it will depend on experience.

Discord is the platform we use for coms. Having a working headset with mic are required. We usually prefer to leave our channels on PTT, but we need raiders to have the ability to communicate and call out mechanics when asked.

We are using RCLoot Council, weakauras, DBM (BigWigs) etc.

If any of this might interest you, you can contact myself:
Battle.net : RAINB0W#11219
Discord : Exxiee

still looking for a home: Update 473 6/9H Looking to push into mythic.

Afternoon Bowgopeww

Not sure how late you consider late but feel free to check us out and if fits , app is in the post.
Have a good day!