Greeting’s Travelers, I am a 472 AOTC Warrior that is currently looking for a mythic level raiding guild.
Pref days being Tues-Wens-Thurs
Min 2 days, max 3
My logs
https :// www /character/us/emerald-dream/selidreyice#bybracket= 1
My Discord
Hey there! Sent you a request on Battletag. Not for sure how you feel about Alliance , but we would love to talk to you! I’ve included some basic information below! (in the boring, generic format…still new to the recruiting thing and trying to make it better)
Battle Hardened is a PVE guild on the Wyrmrest Accord server. With a close-knit group of friends, we boast a mythic raid team and a friendly atmosphere for all.
We are all in this guild because we have the same ideals in mind; we want to be able to progress through World of Warcraft successfully, and enjoy our time as we do so.
Raid Schedule:
Tuesday 6-9pm Server (PST) - Mythic Progression ++
Wednesday 6-9pm Server (PST) - Mythic Progression ++
Thursday 6-9pm Server (PST) - Paid AOTC Carries
Sunday 6-9pm Server (PST) - WRA Server Mythic Run (Alt Friendly)
++ Denotes mandatory raid nights for mythic raiders.
We would love for you to consider us! Add Savius#1232 to BTag for any questions.
You can see our forum post here: [A] 10/12M < Battle Hardened > LFM PROGRESSION-READY Raiders!
We’d love to talk with you!
Who We Are
Inferiority is a new guild of CE and veteran raiders on Area-52 looking to build a raid team to finish this tier of BFA and get ready to crush Shadowlands while achieving Cutting Edge. We are looking for like minded and skilled players who are interested in progression raiding on a light, 3 day schedule.
As stated, we are a freshly formed guild. We are looking to fill all roles in the team. If you are a veteran raider, previous AOTC/CE raider who is in need of a new start or are coming back from a break, we are the guild for you!
12/12H Ny’alotha
Raid Times
Tues/Thurs/Sun 10:00p-1:00a EST
(Sunday dropped after progression)
What We're Looking For
Healers : Shaman / Priest
If you’re interested drop us your battle tag or add any of our officers to talk!
Kovas#11562 (Battle Tag)
Kovas#2257 (Discord)
MaddyLif3#1687 (Battle Tag)
MaddyLif3#3418 (Discord)
Hi Selidreyice!
Safe Word (H) on Kilrogg is looking for more mythic-ready DPS for our raid team! Currently 7/12 M (AOTC). We raid Tues and Thurs from 7-10 PST, and our optional heroic/alt raid is Mon 7-10PST.
We also have a great m+ community so you’d have no problem finding people to run keys with.
Safe Word is more than a raiding guild in that we work hard to organize social events like virtual brunch, herb & herb nights (guild restock + hangout time!) and achievement runs.
Our main recruitment post here has more specific info about what we are looking for and what you can expect from us as a team:
My contact info is: Esaora#3578, bnet Lyra#11630. I’ve added you on bnet. Hope to chat with you soon and I wish you luck in finding a new guild!
Hey there, we are currently looking for a warrior for our mythic progression team and would love to chat!
Tawny Wind Rider Gang (4/12M; 12/12H) is recruiting raiders for mythic progression. We are focused on AOTC each tier and then pushing Mythic. Raids are Tues/Thurs 8-11p Eastern. Optional Normal (alt) raid Sundays.
We run Mythic+ regularly and group for casual PvP. Non-raiders and those leveling are also Welcome.
Doctersauce#1397 - me
Guild: Sword and Bored
Server: Stormrage - Alliance
Progression: 4/12M 12/12H Ny’lotha
Sword and Bored is a newer guild located on Stormrage server and is currently seeking more raiders to push mythic progression in Ny’lotha and future content in Shadowlands.
Raid Times:
Tues: 7pm-10pm EST
Thurs: 7pm - 10pm EST
Alt raid: Sun: 7pm -10pm EST
Outside of raid times you can usually find plenty of guildies participating in a variety of activities ranging from, all levels of M+ to pvp (arena’s and sometime BGS). We are currently in the process of setting up an RBG night on Wednesday evenings. Monday night is Mythic Monday. During Mythic Monday the guild comes together to help each other complete keys. We are also looking to start doing Mythic BoD on Saturdays for transmog and mount runs for those interested in getting the mount. Many of us play various games outside of wow together as well like League and Warzone.
Recruitment Needs: Taking any and all classes/specs that are mythic raid ready.
Ranged DPS: Boomkin/Hunter/Ele shaman
Melee DPS: Warrior/rogue
Healers: Shaman/Monk/Priest
Tanks: While we have 2 tanks, we are always open to adding a backup tank that has a viable off spec that they could play when not tanking.
Would like potential raiders to be at least 460+ with level 15 cloak and rank 3 essences.
If you think Sword and Bored could be a good fit for you, please feel free to drop a comment below or add to BNet or Discord which will be listed below.
Timelord of Gallifrey#3095
Hey Selidreyice! Hobbs from Abstract Guild here! We’re an Alliance guild on Sargeras looking for more people to progress through Mythic! Here’s a bit of info! Please let me know if you’re interested!
About Us
We’ve been raiding for years, but really started being serious when we founded Abstract in November of 2019. Since then, we’ve welcomed an impressive group of talented and dedicated raiders and are focusing on becoming a Cutting Edge guild.
Raid Times
Mythic Raid; Wednesdays and Thursdays at 6:30pm to 9:30pm CST(server Time)
Optional Heroic Raid; Sundays at 6:30 CST(server time)
12/12 Heroic Ny’alotha
4/12 Mythic Ny’alotha
Voice: Discord
Please message me here, or through; Hobbsey#1249
Well met Selidreyice,
[H][US][Area 52] 6/12 M LF Raiders To Push For CE!
Progression: 12/12 N, 12/12 H, 6/12 M
Raid times: Tues and Thursday 9pm-Midnight EST
Hello, I am the Raid Lead for Incompetence Inc. We are a Horde guild on Area 52 (in the US).
I was the Raid Lead of a 10/11 M Antorus guild in Legion. That guild has since been dissolved and I, plus a few other players from that team have started anew
in 8.3.
We are seeking 460+ players interested in completing mythic content. Our goal is to obtain CE. We also strive to maintain a competitive and fun environment.
Please submit your application on
copy and paste the link into your browser to apply.
Recruitment Officer Battle Tag: Twisedzap#1714
Hi Selidreyice
Dungeon Crawl is an Adult Raiding Guild on Illidan with a long history. Looking for players round out the Team. Ny’Lotha 3/12 Mythic, 12/12 Heroic Raiders 460+ Raid Times T/TH 8-11 est. Fun Raiding while Progressing.
Get in touch with Mandalin #1731
Hiya Selidreyice,
Natural Latency is in need of a melee dps. We raid T/Th 9-11:30 ET on Stormrage. Currently we are 5/12 M. If you decide faction swapping works for you, get in touch!
Astuur#1266 (btag); Astuur#4420 (discord)
About us: formed at the end of Eternal Palace from a group of raiders that had had enough of a dead server. Many of us have raided off and on since Vanilla and our raid leader has been herding cats since TBC. We are adults and have adult things going on in our lives: jobs, kids, spouses, bills, to name just a few. We raid an extremely limited schedule: just 5 hours/week and try to get as much done in that time as possible.
We are looking for responsible mature players - be personable, accountable, and prepared for content so as to not waste anyone’s time. That being said, this is not a strict, high-pressure guild - we have fun, we make mistakes, and we enjoy the ride.
Hey Selidreyice,
{ Reprieve } 4/12M on Thrall [Horde] is looking to rebuild our mythic roster. As with most guilds near the end of an expansion, we have lost members due to burnout and other personal reasons. We are looking to reform our mythic roster and continue progressing in Nyalotha with semi-hardcore progression 2 nights a week. Our current goal is CE before the Shadowlands.
We are currently raiding Tues/Weds night at 12am (midnight) to 3am EST. (9pm-12am PST). If this time slot works for you, please let me know.
Discord : Nephlim#6908 (Preferred)
Bnet : Nephlim#1798
Self Imposed Hardmode of Area 52 is currently recruiting to fill out our mythic raid team. We are currently 12/12 Heroic and 3/12 Mythic. Our raiders range from new to mythic to CE raider with everything in between. We believe that you don’t need to have previous mythic experience to be able to play in current mythic content, just the desire to work hard and have fun doing so.
Tuesday/Wednesday from 8:00pm – 11:00pm EST
Outside of raid:
We have an incredibly active mythic plus community outside of raid time with multiple 2500+ Io players as well as an active PvP community. We also enjoy old content raids, and generally just hanging out and having a good time with each other.
460+ ilvl for mythic, 430 ilvl for heroic
Rank 10+ cloak
Working headset and the ability to communicate
We currently have OPEN recruitment on all DPS classes with special interest in the following:
Ret Paladin
Demon Hunter (tanking OS a plus)
Death Knight (tanking OS a plus)
We currently have one tank position available to a skilled tank (DK/DH/Brew preferred)
Holy Paladin
If interested please contact:
Bnet - Shado#11187
Discord - Shado#0820