as title says, looking for a weekend guild for my holy paladin. Pref 8-11 CST or something like that. want to at least be starting mythic.
BattleTag: Lasko#1971
as title says, looking for a weekend guild for my holy paladin. Pref 8-11 CST or something like that. want to at least be starting mythic.
BattleTag: Lasko#1971
Synthesis weekend (Turalyon) needs a H Paladin. Check us out on wowprogress!
Hey! I don’t know if you’re interested in going horde or not. I’m recruiting for a (VERY) new guild: [Phasers On Stun] horde side on Illidan. Raid times are 12pm-3pm central time on Saturday/Sunday (weekend afternoons). I’m 9/12m and looking to get back to that area as soon as possible. I know that committing to a brand new guild is super scary but I have successfully built and led guilds before for a few years, and if it would make you feel better obviously nobody is required to transfer until raiding successfully starts. We went through heroic (first time ever raid together!) last weekend to get 12/12h and are planning on doing mythic next weekend.
Discord: brandy#9982 brandy#1599
I’ve applied.
We raid weekends!