472 Blood/Unholy DK LF Late Night Mythic Team

I’ve been a DK main since they came out in wrath and I’ve been raiding on and off since then. I have previous mythic during Legion and I have AOTC of every patch I’ve played. Currently I only run mythic plus and pug the heroic raid. I’m looking for a guild to raid with during the rest of 8.3 and going into Shadowlands. I also play Brew Master and Protection Warrior as alts.

Preferred times : Sometime in between 12:30AM EST (9:30PM PST) and 6AM (3AM PST) EST during the week. and anytime on the weekends.

I have up to date logs for blood on Warcraft Logs, just ask for a link.

Battle.net: Lucro#11792
Discord: Lucro#6215
Or reply here :slight_smile:

Hey Lucro!

Morning Brew is looking for a Tank to round out our current roster. We are horde and a morning guild that offers a unique time slot for those interested. The times do not exactly fit what you posted, but if you would like to chat feel free to reach out!

Bnet: Cen#11694
Discord: Cen#5348

[H] Morning Brew 7/12M 12/12H

Raid Times: 9am-12pm EST | >Wed/Thurs/Friday
Optional Monday Alt run 9am-12pm EST

Recruitment Needs
Tanks - DK, Paladin, Warrior, Monk, DH
Ranged – Warlock
Melee – DH
Healer – Resto Sham