467 Ilvl when can I mythic 0?

At this point, if you can get in any iLvl will probably work. There’s enough over geared players that might be crest farming you’ll still time and they’re not going to care if you die.

Tank’s are a different story. And to a lessor extent healers. But if a tank makes it clear they have no idea what they’re doing the run can fall apart.

Getting in is the problem. But there’s as many criteria as there are groups so you just got to be plugging away at your applications until one lets you in. Or run your own keys.

Higher level keys will be different.

470 - 480 is a good comfortable spot. And easy to get there with all the open world events.

And like others have said, knowing the mechanics is really more important. I wouldn’t listen too much to folks talking about getting carried. Pugging groups, you might, you might not. It’s best to go in ready to play.

I did it on 463 , but as a tank its easier to get a group for M0

Okay thank you everybody. After work I’m going to just apply and if not I might start my own! Thank you all for the kind replies😀

I was running 5s and 6s at 490 so i don’t see a prob

I get rejected all day I haven’t been able to do 4 m0s this week. I gave up trying group content folks are just not worth it. Have 6 496 to 500 ilvl toons

528 ilvl min or no invite