461 Boomkin looking for Mythic Raiding Guild

I am currently looking for a mythic raiding guild that raids either on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday nights around the time of 8-11pm CST (flexible). I raid heroic with a casual friends guild on Monday and Wednesday nights and that wont be changing.

About myself:
I have an extensive history on Mal’Ganis and was an original player back in 2004-2010. Led the successful guild Storm of Swordsduring that time period. Achieved High Warlord twice in PvP (was the only one at the time in world) Took a long hiatus came back and led the guild Storm of Swords on Mal’ganis briefly in ULDIR. Left WoW to pursue RL career opportunities. I currently work for a West Texas Oil Field company and it affords me the luxury of having a good amount of time to play. Have been going through a gaming funk the past few months finding something that I want to play to no avail (even tried the horrible Albion Online for a few months)

Have played just about every MMO out there and my most enjoyable times have been playing in the backseat as a regular peon. Leading guilds/raids on WoW is time consuming and everyone that has participated in this deserves mad respect. Leading, while fun at times, tends to be more stressful than rl work and I do not have the stomach to do it anymore.

What you can expect from me is someone who will be reliable and pay attention. Someone that will take responsibility when they mess up and not make excuses. Someone that has a high ceiling with skill. I was able to go from gray to 99 parses in ULDIR in a few short months after returning back to wow after a long hiatus.

I have only been back to WoW for a few weeks this time around but am already parsing decently and I expect to climb the charts. I am a very competitive player who likes to min max. The casual guild whom I raid with is only 9/12 H but I enjoy their company. Please contact me for more information.

Please feel free to contact me in the game.
Blizzard ID BericGanadar#1582
Discord ID Ganadar#0655