459 Balance Druid LF PvP/Casual Guild

Looking for a casual guild to run some rated PvP with. Played since Vanilla. Would be okay with tagging along to raids, but I can’t say I’d be reliable enough for a regular spot because of work.

Hey! Beating the Odds is an adult guild that is recruiting all roles. Raid times are Tuesday & Wednesday 9pm to 12 am server time. Our goals for Shadowlands is to clear normal and heroic raid. We run a lot of mythic keystones. We also have a very active discord.

We are very laid back and chill. We help everybody, and we do not get upset when mistakes are made. We do multiple events such as time walking, tmog runs, and pvp.

Hope to hear from you.
Btag: Bri#11898

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sorry i tried to add you on bnet but are you still looking?