~457 Fury Warrior Damage Troubleshoot

Hey everyone,

I am a returning player that has decided to pick up fury after a long hiatus. I am currently pulling ~40k dps agaisnt a target dummy. My simmed damage is ranges in the 50k range. I have checked to ensure that the sim did not consider buffs, flasks, nor potions.

I am relatively certain I am dpsing accurately. I’ve check icy veins and wowhead. Am I missing something core to fury rotation?

Difficult to say without more details. Ideally we’d want logs so the experts can break down your ability use. But lacking those…

Did you use the Target Dummy fight style option on Raidbots or are you simming things yourself? Because there’s a lot of things folded into a Patchwerk sim’s assumptions, by my understanding. Not just buffs and consumables but things like Bloodlust/Heroism phases and variable boss health to enable Execute. Any of those could be introducing a big discrepancy.

Are you sure it’s a big deal? Only the top 1% of players can hit the machine perfect reaction times and ability selection of a sim. For all the rest of us, the sim number is an absolute ceiling to aspire to, not a realistic appraisal of our expected performance. Coming in under the sim number isn’t an issue as long as you’re not TOO far under.

Fury is a trickier spec than people give it credit. Some people outright call it ‘braindead’ - these people are idiots. Others will mention how it is generally more forgiving of small mistakes than other specs, particularly it’s sister dps spec, Arms. This is true - but it doesn’t mean you can make these mistakes constantly. Repeatedly making small mistakes over the course of an encounter as Fury, which you have an absurd number of opportunities to do thanks to our sky-high APM, is just as bad as making mistakes in other specs.

Fury can deceive you into thinking that you are doing better than you are. If you screw up as Arms, you generally know about it because you know you’re supposed to hit Mortal Strike on cooldown, but it comes up and you’re ages away from having the rage for it. So you sit there and dwell on your failure while you auto-attack. With Fury, all roads lead to Rampage, some are just a little faster than others. Not to mention, you will never not have an ability to cast, even if it’s just whirlwind. So you can always cast and Rampage is always coming up, so even the worst offenders can think they’re doing pretty good.

Anyway, I’m sorry for the opening lecture, I’ve felt like this needed to be put out for awhile, and your request for help felt like the best place to do it, as like many others it feels like you’re doing things pretty close to right, and yet you’re not getting what you know to be appropriate dps.

Enough of that, time for the actual advice. Someone logged your LFR Shad’har kill yesterday, and that’s what I’m going from.

Thank God you have rank 3 Blood of the Enemy. That said, you’re running it with Anger Management. Don’t do that. Recklessness and BotE sync perfectly with 90 second cooldowns that you do not want to mess with. They are stacked everytime. When Single Target is your priority, you run Siegebreaker. The 3x30 second cooldowns keep it synced up perfectly most of the time. In M+ and mass add situations, run Reckless Abandon. The rage burst ensures you get maximum benefit from every WW stack, and the extra seconds of recklessness let you set up a perfect BotE window.

Your opener is very botched. Your ST opener is:
Recklessness >> Charge >> Siegebreaker >> Rampage >> BotE >> BT
Reck is before charge because it doubles the rage gain of charge. This allows you to Rampage immediately after SB. If you miss auto-attacks and can’t Rampage immediately, just go ahead and pop BotE, then Rampage >> BT. From there you enter your ST priority system. Multi-target opener is a bit different but you need to master the ST first. Let me know if you need me to go over MT.

You should always stack your CDs just like you do on your opener. Do not use Recklessness unless SB is within a GCD of coming up. You may not be able to guarantee an immediate Enrage like you can on your opener. Just focus on getting SB then BotE up immediately after Reck.

Your DR usage is all over the place. First you time you prioritize it too highly and cast it when BT is up. Second time you cast it unenraged. Otherwise you forget about it and let it sit off-CD even when it’s place in the priority system comes up. You only cast it twice in the fight. Review the priority order, follow it.

Empty gcds. You’ve got a healthy number of empty gcds sitting around in your rotation. Always be casting. If you can’t do anything else, WW.

Numerous instances of prioritizing Raging Blow over BT. If BT is up, always BT over RB.

Your execute usage is actually really good and you do a good job of not overcapping rage.

Your gear could use a little work but I think you know that and that’s not what you asked about. If you want help optimizing it just let us know.


I just wanted to say thank you to Aédan for taking the time to explain things to people thoughtfully the way that you do. You’ve given me some advice before in the past but I always learn a lot when I read you replies to people.

I still struggle with fury at times but I don’t give up because I will usually come in lurking for info and there you are again, sharing your knowledge.

Not trying to sound all cheesy and sentimental but its nice to know there is still people out there on the internet who are helpful and informative with out all of the “git gud” and “go read this guide and figure it out”. Again, thank you!


I whole heartily agree. I really appreciated the information that was given to me when I came asking for help here as well, fully expecting “L2P Nub lolol” but got [Aédan] and [Althiala] giving out helpful advice and giving us their time in actually reviewing data.


Great information and thank you. I have been thinking about going fury just to get in some better keys and this helps irin out some kinks. I do decent dps as arms but seem to struggle because I have to move out of engagement because of no sustain.

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So glad I’m able to be a help to you all. Since I know at least one person reading this thread is focused on keys as fury, I want to go ahead and make sure this in here. With few exceptions, you want to run Blood of the Enemy major with the Reckless Abandon talent. Your standard opener / cooldown usage in this case is as follows:
Charge >> Whirlwind (Halfway through the charge, time it right and you will get WW buff stacks) >> Recklessness >> Rampage >> Bloodthirst >> Whirlwind >> Blood of the Enemy** >> Rampage** >> Sudden Death or Bloodthirst >> Whirlwind >> Rampage >> Dragon’s Roar
** If you have a Vial, this is when you pop it.
That’s a lot, I know. This is what it’s doing for you. You’re enraging immediately and spreading as much CSHB dot as you can, then entering into your stacked BotE window and getting in a Dragon’s Roar before the 5 second Crit Damage buff drops off. You need about 18-20% haste baseline to pull this off.
If you go into the pull with a WW stack already up you can just lead off with Reck >> Rampage and push everything to the right a gcd. Same if you already have a full bar of rage; go ahead and pump out a Rampage before you pop Reck and push everything one gcd to the right.

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If you plan on raiding in higher difficulties a good investment would be Condensed life force (the essence you get from EP) it’s a lot better on pure single target then BoTe and is easier to use as it last 30 seconds so it can be pressed before reck even with desynch and still do perform optimally.