Guidance for fury


I have a couple of questions about my itemization where I currently sit.

For raiding I’ll usually replace my Barnacle with my 440 Razor Coral but other than that that its the only real change I make between M+ and raiding. I am still waiting for the Nzoth weapon to drop (at least one) and/or a better Geti in my weekly chests, but no luck so far.

I’ve only been playing fury for a relatively short time as I’ve mained an assassin rogue for the last few expansions, but I am falling in love my fury. Aside from practicing my rotation (and remembering it during fights lol), I was wondering:

I see some fury warriors running Conflict/Strife as a minor. I am not that great at PvP and even though I have r2 on my rogue its going to be a while before I unlock r3. Is the current setup I’m using alright or wrong? I always get conflicting info between what I read and what my sims say. It still says I should be using CLF even though I do a lot better with my current Major.

I guess what I am really looking for is some guidance in the right direction. Sometimes I feel like I’m lost in gearing.

I currently have 2 r2 severe and 1 r3 severe for when my weapon finally drops but as of right now I don’t even know where to commit to use my corruption in the off chance something better will actually drop. Where would you guys recommend placing my corruptions?

If it makes a difference, I would like to finish out the expansion pushing keys, I’m alright with my heroic clears and dabbling in mythic raids, but my overall goal would be to hit +15s in time before the end of the expansion.

Your gear, azerite, and essences look like they are in a good spot. If you’re executing your rotation correctly the best thing for you to do at this point is start socketing and gemming your gear with crit and save for more severe corruptions when they are back at the vendor. If you can get your hands on a heroic ra’den trinket to replace your barnacle that will also bump your haste a little and put you in that perma gcd capped 50% mark during enrage. Stick with BotE major, CLF is for nerds, especially if you want to do keys.


You have a pretty good setup, so I hope you realize going into this that upgrading at your point will take some work. Not a lot of easy lay-ups out there for you, but still, there are some ways to do better. That said, your raw dps potential is far more than sufficient to time all 15’s as is.

Conflict & Strife really is that good of a minor for Fury, in both raid and M+. That said, if you don’t have it, what you’re using right now is probably ideal, especially for M+.

As you say, a good TD3 sword would be a gamechanger for you. EV sucks, and cleansing your bracers ASAP should be a priority. As to what you should put your corruptions on; unless you can progress significantly further in M Nya’lotha than you currently are (Not a stated goal of yours) then your boots are a pretty safe bet. Your rings, bracers, and legs are easily replaced by M+14 gear.

If improving in M+ is your goal, your focus for farming right now should be UR. You need a vial. Stop running Siegebreaker in keys, use Reckless Abandon. This is what your cooldown usage looks like:

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Ill keep pushing for C&S then, It’ll be slowly done weekly on my rogue then since that character is the closest to rank 3 at the moment but Ill get it as soon as I’m capable.

I’ll be focusing a lot more this week on pushing keys so Ill drop SB for sure and hope for a vial drop as well.

Thank you and Haersan for the input so far. Ill make some adjustments and keep plugging away at it.

Much appreciated!

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