454 H Arms warrior LFG

I’ve been out of the raiding scene for some years now, took time out from raiding in order to raise my daughter and work hard. With the pandemic, i have gotten back into wow. Currently on Mug’thol.

I’m hoping to find a Heroic Raiding Guild with some M+, don’t think i can dedicate the raiding time for mythic progression until Shadowlands.

This warrior is from Vanilla, but i have barely played the last 2.5 expansion. I used to run our guild and raid lead at diff times. Hoping someone is looking for an old school raider who can follow orders and is definitely 21 + years of age.

BNet id Muela#1737

Guild of returning players here, we are looking for new players to build our player base for raiding. We are currently 11/12 on normal and will be heading into heroic very shortly. We also run mythic dungeons and push keys to get people geared. We are on the smaller side, I like to keep it smaller, its easier to get to know everyone and people are not just a number. Right now we have 12 core raiders.
We are not looking to be a hardcore guild, as most of us have a life outside of wow and have kids. We play the game to have fun and meet people.
In need of a few more DPS and/or a few players who wouldn’t mind offspecing healer or tank.
Since its kind of late into this expansion we want to do at much as we can in preparation for Shadowlands.
We are a newer guild, but we have a solid group of players and a good foundation. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, hit me up on discord. I’m usually in most of the day.
We are located in MST. Raid times are 7:45pm and will go for about 2 hours. Day are Friday and Monday.
Realm is Gurubashi : ([H] <Antiquated> casual raiding guild looking for more!)
discord: discord.gg/ntTktSD or Gameslave#4704
bnet: Morlanith#1757


Divine Minds is located on US Illidian Horde Side.

We are currently recruiting for our core raid team. We are looking for people that potentially have gotten behind this expansion but are ready to finish out the expansion strong. We are finishing this week on heroic do finish 12/12H then we will be beginning mythics the following week.

Casuals and Newer players are welcome as well!

Our highest needs are the following:

Ranged DPS - hunter, elemental shaman, balance Druid

Healers - holy pally, resto shaman

Melee DPS - WW monk, Ret pally, rogue, enhancement shaman

We have been progressing through normal for 2 weeks and went 11/12. We have now had 2 weeks into heroic and have already accomplished 10/12H! We are looking to begin mythic progression within the next 2 weeks.

We raid two days a week - Wednesday and Friday 7PM-11PM EST.

Our goal is to push heroic content for AoTC and step into mythic and continue to progress as far into mythic content every tier.

we continuously run Mythic plus’ to help gear each other on off nights.

We have started to discuss a pvp team as well for off nights as an additional perk to joining our guild!

If a guild like this interests you, please add me at Defusionz#1271.

Hope the raid times would not be to late for you!

Cupcakes and BDSM is now recruiting to fill our raid slots on Thrall (Horde)

(Tanks, heals and ranged dps preferred but all are welcome)

Raid Times/Days: Wednesday/Thursday 10pm - 1am (EST)

Recruitment Contacts: Discord -




About us - Mature guild looking for anyone who wants to play the current content in a chill environment. We want to have fun getting to know each other, grow our community, make friends, while pushing the current content. Our goal is to build a community of tight knit guildies to build a foundation to push Mythic content in Shadowlands.

We run keys, old content, WQ together, we pretty much do everything the game offers and have fun. We also hold guild events for awards.

New and verteran players are welcome as well. We level, dungeon, help gear and just have fun. Any questions, feel free to send a PM.