Just transferred from Whitemane server a couple of days ago. Looking for a raiding guild that’s casual. 25 and 10 man Ulduar cleared. I got a couple HM’s on 10 man.
Looking to have fun. Gen X guild heavy is a plus for me. LF Ally Guild
Just transferred from Whitemane server a couple of days ago. Looking for a raiding guild that’s casual. 25 and 10 man Ulduar cleared. I got a couple HM’s on 10 man.
Looking to have fun. Gen X guild heavy is a plus for me. LF Ally Guild
Hello there, 13/14 guild with your easy HMs down before roster boss became too much. We’re regrouping with a couple new members and gearing them out through normal modes, but could one or two more really round the roster out before we make the push for more hardmodes. We run 10 mans every weekend, 2 teams are progging alg 10 man. Fun group of people. T/TH schedule 7-11 if needed. Holler at me on disc if you wanna chat synns#5639
YoYo, Tegridy Farms is an Alliance Guild that is 6/9 HM(25), 8/9 HM(10) - 13/14 and we are recruiting for our Semi-HC raid team! Raid times are Tues/Wed 8-11pm. We are currently looking for a Flex Ele/Resto Shaman and if you think this would work for you feel free to reach out, we would love to discuss a potential future.