Currently 452 re-roll from warrior last tier, neck level is 75, cloak rank 9, LF an active Raiding and M+ guild.
Prefered raid days are Tuesday - Wednesday // Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday
or if a weekend guild is interested weekend preferance is Sat - Sun.
Prefer times from 9pm est or later ending times 11:30 - 1am this is for any of the days above.
My current prog is 11/12 N 0/12 H, you can see this characters armory if needed i have been playing it clearing mythic content since Night Hold. I am not looking for a serious CE guild more or less a guild that gets aotc and a few mythic kills or more per tier with on a respectable raid schedule, since I work full time I use raiding as a way to get the day over with so I dont like to waste time when it comes to raids.
Thanks for any interest. My btag is * OnÎ#1194 * feel free to add me if you have any further questions.