450 Demo Lock LF Mythic Guild

I’ve been pugging for far too long lol. I already cleared Amir on normal today and some of heroic. I have earned AOTC pretty easily each tier that I’ve played, but I would like to step into mythic. I was 3k in M+ as Demo last season which was like top 200. I also have a 440 Outlaw Rogue that I’m working on. Feel free to send a message!

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We’d love to have you! give us of us a message!

Hey Kamlam!

I would love for you to join my team!

We were 7/9M 19% on Echo last season :slightly_smiling_face:

We raid Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8-11 PM EST on Zul’jin with End of Line.

Discord: malideon

Hey bud we are Deathshow in Area 52 we went 7/9M last tier we are currently 9/9N in the new raid moving to heroic tonight we raid Tuesday and Wednesday nights from 8pm to 11pm est if your interested you can reach me at Sig9905 on disc or Sig. #11142 on B net