I am on illidan horde looking for a home. My guild pretty much stopped because raiders in guild stopped showing up. Would like to finish this tier off with some more kills and hopefully go into next tier strong.
4/8m. 8% on org. Weekdays 8pm-1130pm and weekends 8pm-till whenever. I love mythic plus. And I have tons of alts that are geard as well.(no benthic on alts)
Bnet fuzzybiscuit#1273. Let’s chat ya.
Hello! Immortality is an Alliance guild on Stormrage and we’re looking for a Brewmaster Monk to push for CE with us. We are 7/8M, just getting in to p4 Azshara. We achieved CE in both BoD and Uldir. We raid MTW 8-11pm EST with an optional Heroic night/M BoD Jaina farm on Sundays. If this sounds good to you so far I’d be interested in having a chat with you! Add me on btag at WitchyWich#1440 or Discord (preferably) at Necroxia#1440. Here’s a link to our wowprogress: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/stormrage/Immortality
Disturbed of US Zul’jin Horde has been around since 2008. We’re a drama-free guild of students and working adults. With a strong core, we’re looking for a few more to round out the roster and achieve CE Azshara. We’re a 7/8 Mythic guild (8/8 CE Uldir and 9/9 CE BFD) with progress on phase 4. We’re also looking for players for 8.3 and beyond. Returning players and rerolls welcome.
Raid schedule:
Wed/Thurs/Mon 8 - 11 pm EST
All classes may apply, but we’re especially in need of these:
Shadow Priest.
If interested, please feel free to contact:
Apple - Apple#11916
Spanky - Spanky#1188
Hey there Buck! I’d LOVE a chat if you’re still looking.
</ Same Plan, Less Dying /> is recruiting for both our progression (mythic) and social progression (AotC) teams.
We pride ourselves in being different in that we are actually active, social and like each other - join our discord, try us!
Anywho! We’re a fun, social guild with Mythic and AotC focus that would love to add more solid people to our team. We are specifically looking for those who like progress without the elitist mentality. We’ve got players who have played together for years and will stay strong for plenty more. 
What do we do??
- Progression team runs Tues & Thurs 8-11pm EST. (3/8M, 8/8H, 8/8 normal)
- Social progression team runs (as of 8.3) will be Wed 8-11pm EST.
Mythic Plus/Keys are pretty much all day every day and some PVP here and there. We run an active M+ community too. Guilded or not, you’re welcome to be added there. ^.^
Please add me to battle-net if you’re interested - I’d be very glad to talk! Saxx#1747