Hey there. I am currently seeking a guild that raids late nights preferably starting at Midnight EST or later due to my current work schedule. Or a guild that raids strictly on Friday nights at anytime. I have been playing WoW off and on since Vanilla and have raided competitively in multiple tiers including being part of several server firsts during Vanilla / BC on Warsong and Balnazzar. Most recently raid wise I have achieved 6/8M in Vault of the Incarnates and 6/10 M Castle Nathria while focusing on AOTC farming and M+ on other tiers during SL/DF. For the last 2 expansions I have been a GM/officer of a guild that recently stopped raiding; however, I continue to play actively focusing on M+ and playing multiple alts (Currently 2750io on main).
I have multiple characters I play with my MM hunter being highest ilvl at 445; however, I am willing to swap mains if a guild seems like a good fit with raid times etc. Other characters include Arms Warrior, Havoc DH, Ret Paladin and WW Monk. All of these characters are around 430ish ilvl all with 4 pc tier. Have logs available.
Willing to sit on fights due to raid comp or whatever is needed for the guild. Mature player with years experience being a GM/officer for guilds through multiple expansions, so I know how things work. Please reach out if interested.
BNet: Deftoned#11381
Discord: Deccimus#6393