443 Enhancement Shaman/ Havoc DH LF New Mythic raiding guild. Willing to Xfer

Hello, I am searching for a Mythic/CE raiding guild. my schedule is WIDE open. Just HMU with info. I know what it takes to be a better gamer/player. If anyone is recruiting either enhance or Havoc please reach out. Also willing to gear up ANY melee dps needed for the slot. Thanks.

Discord: kajun_predator
Battle.net: Predatør#11294

Hey Preðator, We are on Area52 and raid on the weekends, We also run keys throughout the week at all levels, and we’re pretty active and responsive on Discord. Here is more about our guild

Where Loot is a raid and mythic+ guild seeking to grow our community. Our main goal is to achieve AOTC in every raid tier with a midcore approach. Our focus is to secure AOTC then transition into tackling some mythic content. As a guild, we are dedicated to fostering a supportive and social atmosphere for all our members, while also being able to switch to a serious mindset when required.

Raid Schedule:
Saturday, Sunday 7:00 - 10:00 PM EST


  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible – 1/9M / 9/9H
  • Vault of the Incarnates – 8/8H

Currently Recruiting:

  • Mythic+
    • All
  • Raid
    • Healers
    • DPS


  • Positive Attitude
  • Open to improve and feedback
  • 90% raid attendance

Recruitment Contacts:

(GM) Discord: " M05final " or " M05final#9096 "

Hey! We are looking for more DPS for our M raid team. I would like to drop our recruitment post here and if youre interested you can send me a friend request on Discord for more info @Krystalline

Yo I DM’d you on disc. hmu

Hey! I sent a discord request - hope to talk soon :slight_smile:

Hey there, Preðator. My guild could use either one when it comes to mythic. I’ll post my guild’s info and let you see if it is something you’re interested.

Sensual Seduction
US - Sargeras
Current Raid Time: Friday 9:30PM to 12:30 AM- Saturday 9:00PM - 12:00AM CT (Server Time)

Currently Recruiting:
High Need: Healer (Druid, Monk preferred)
Also recruiting: (Warrior-DPS, Boomkin, Demon Hunter, Death Knight and Mage) Also taking all DPS, but hunters

(Abberus M 3/9 and 9/9 H) is looking for friendly/raiders who want to progress and have fun while doing it. We’re a relatively small guild, and we treat our guild members like family. We support each other in all of our WoW related endeavors, whenever possible. We’re excited about all the upcoming raid content, and we’re striving for Mythic content. We’re hungry, we’re ambitious, and we’re dedicated. We want to progress but need the bodies to make it happen! Even if you are just looking for a friendly guild look no further!

We do have some expectations though:

Be friendly. - We’re all adults, just have fun here. We love to joke around in discord between pulls. It gets pretty hilarious! We tend to get a little loud, but that’s all the fun when you are still progressing in content with friends.

Be punctual. - 87.5% raid attendance is our goal. We understand family and real life happens. At the end of the day we all pay to play this game and we ask you try you best to attend raid out of respect for the other members. We have a nice system in place to let us know your going to be out. This helps us with knowing we are short ranged, healers or etc.

Be ambitious. - Always be willing to learn and work hard. We all make mistakes. The best thing you can do is learn from that. Our goal is to progress but to have fun while doing it.

Be focused. - Raid time is raid time. Since we are smaller guild this xpac requires a lot more from us. We just ask to keep discord clear on fights other then that chat away. Raid leaders will let you know when we are pulling.

If you are interested please do not hesitate to add Kanna our recruiting officer to Real ID, Kanna#11827 We will get you in as a trial if everything works out. Provide us with the class/spec you’re interested in playing, and let me know what your expectations are from our guild. Our goal is to ensure that both parties are happy.

Contact Information
Kanna#11827 for more information!

We are a cross faction guild with about half the members in TC on Horde Illidan and the other half in TCLB on Alliance Illidan server. Currently recruitment is open into either faction. TC was founded in May 2005 and has been a top guild from inception, obtaining most cutting edges. We are getting most of the core guild members back so you can expect a guild with seasoned leadership, a relaxed and fun raid environment full of skillful individuals.

We are a bit more casual this go-round but are 5/9M on only 4 hours of raiding per week. Our current raid times are Wed and Thurs from 10:00-12:00AM EST. We will strive to get CE if we can; however, not at the detriment of the guild and community.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

Application to join guild - forms.gle/e3hiNtZQKv9eHw9CA

Hey there Preðator, we’re looking to add a Enh shaman to our roster. We raid T/Th 8-11pm est and are working on Zskarn. We’re located on Area 52 if the schedule works for you and you are interested, feel free to apply at the link below


I’m from Terra, a mythic raiding guild (4/9M) on Area-52. We’re looking for strong players for our team. We raid a 6 hour schedule while utilizing some of the best-practices you see in more serious environments. We’re a group of raiders with various mythic experience, including CEs.

  • We raid 8:30-11:30pm ET Wednesday/Thursday
  • We take advantage of our limited hours by coming to raid well prepared and highly organized
  • We’re an active M+ community that has a number of players in the 2.5k-3k io bracket
  • We’re a pretty awesome group of people to game with

If those practices and values speak to you, have a look at our recruitment post and drop us an application:
Recruitment post: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/area-52-terra-lf-mythic-minded-raiders-former-ce-experience/1632114

Application: https://forms.gle/ESQXrPm6fsNKvfDx7

Recruiting needs:

  • Mage - High
  • Fury/Arms Warrior - High
  • Preservation Evoker - High
  • Augmentation Evoker - High
  • Rogue - Medium
  • Frost/Unholy Death Knight - Medium
  • Havoc Demon Hunter - Medium
  • Enhancement Shaman - Low

Hey Predator,

Squirt on Area-52 is 4/9M (with sub 10% pulls on Rashok) and looking for a Enhance Shaman or Havoc Dh (or both!) for our mythic core.

We raid 8-11pm EST Friday and Saturday.

Add us to bnet so we can chat; saeilfa#1679, bantou#1403, leha#11627.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

id only be interested if you didnt have a havoc/enhance already. since its a medium need id assume you want extras. im not looking to double up on a spec.

We have very high need for Warrior if you are willing to get one rolling and have experience on it.

Why are you not interested in “doubling up” on a spec? Do you lack that much confidence in your ability to perform well? Enhancement shaman is BIS right now in Mythic raids. Two enhancement shamans that can do dps and stay alive are a HUGE advantage on the end bosses this tier (Echo and Sark).

With a 55% average in heroic, being a diva and demanding to be the only person that is your class on a raid team probably wont ingratiate you to any guilds. Good luck buddy.

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sent you a discord req!

Yo. Exclusive outcasts is in the market for a dps dh. 7/9m Wednesday Thursday 9-midnight est

Ty - Naughty#3575