442ilvl mage lf raid core mythic exp

mage raid core im gearing up but have lots of mythic experience in past open to any days evening . been gearing up extremeley fast so parses are wildly outdated already

we M+ together and we raid 2 nights a week. So if you are interested in long discord talks about nothing and everything while running M+ with friends we are the place for you. We are raiding on Tues/Mon nights 8:30-11:30 server (est). In need a Main tank and dps.

Also now running normal on Saturdays same time to help gear alts and new characters for heroic.

We are currently 9/9 Heroic

You can add me on Bnet Bloodhaven#1511

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Check out the Out for Blood recruitment post.

still looking

We won’t scratch your itch for Mythic raiding but we do have some key pushers and have a lot of fun clearing Heroic each week. You won’t be just a number in my guild. We’ve been around since '09 and haven’t had more than 2 raid teams. Hit me up if this sounds like something you would like for the long term.
Discord - Avesara#7806
Or btag Steph#1107

still looking for the right fit for mage

I am from the guild Renogy on Thrall, we are 3/9M working on Experiments. We are currently recruiting some Ranged DPS, if you are interested let me know. We Raid Tues and Wed 8-11pm EST (5-8pm PST). We still have active key groups, and are discord is pretty active outside of raid times (usually about 4-10 people). We play other games as well, our Raid lead even plays Hearthstone lol.
You can contact me as Caullder on Thrall.
/w Caullder-Thrall
(you can copy and paste that as a whisper)

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is there a disco4rd i can reach u at or btag wsp not working

- Illidan. Recruiting raiders for mythic progression for current tier and future tiers. We are an AoTC/Mythic prog focused guild formed from 9/9H 3/9M Abberus raiders. We as a core moved from Thrall as our guild broke up and came to Illidan to form a team/community to continue to push mythic progression and continue into future tiers as a Mythic Progression team. We also recruit casuals and M+ players as we push high M+ keys as well.
-Ranged DPS : Warlock/Mage/Spriest/Augmentation
-Melee DPS: Enhance/Unholy/DH
-Healer: Hpal/Rsham
Raid Days/Times:
Tues/Wed 10pm-1am Est.
-Able to make both days/times consistently. Obviously everyone has a life but as a raid team we expect our raiders to just give officers a heads up if you are going to miss a raid day or 2.
-Minimum exp/ilvl: 9/9H Abberus - 435 Ilvl
You can add me on real ID and we can chat further- Zerorez#11983

have fresh heroic logs now aswell

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I represent Eclipsed here on Stormrage…one of our teams is in high need of a mage…they are 4/9M currently and pushing further into mythic…if this interests you, please contact me on my Discord: nakkita or BNET: britt2376#1776 so we can chat further, thanks :slight_smile:

Should also, for transparency, add a note that you are only looking for teams that are reclearing mythic, that you don’t want prog teams…would save us recruiters a lot of time with you…

not true at all

Hi Calloe - we are a guild looking for strong DPS for mythic prog - we are 4/9 and run Tues/Thursday 8:30-11 (forming at 8:15). Discord: naughtynatris Bnet: Spyke#1494

Kcrash on discord, sorry for the delayed response. Been busy Real life lately.