441 warrior 5/9m exp looking

Hello all!

I am back and looking for a good guild to progress and finish out this expansion with!

Right now my warrior is only a few days old, had to start over cause of the massive van wave that my main warrior was caught in. After my appeal I was reduced to a 6 month ban! Can’t wait that long so started over!

My current warrior is 438 ilvl, and is Khornezerker on illidan. I have 5/9 M exp and 2800 io exp on my main warrior Eightbound on illidan.

I’m looking for a similar guild to join and grow with, I’ll continue to run what I can to gain aspects and push my ilvl back to 441+. I know you will wanna see logs I can provide them from my main warrior and from my current! Tho the current one is way worse cause I just got 4 set lol!

Any way if you have questions fill free to ask I’ll provide my discord, and bnet tag. Thank you all and looking forward to the grind once more

sevensins discord
Wargod2003#1576 bnet

Push it to the limit!

Still looking, fill free to message me and ask questions

Hello darkness my old friend!!

Hi Havokkz, we could use another warrior on our team. I dunno what days/times work for you but our info in post below. Hit me up if interested. thanks.

Pop goes the weasel

If only I could have made your raid Times!’ Ugh ty for responding to my post

I sent you a friend request on Discord to see if our raid times matchup!

Never got it

Okay I’ll add you on Bnet

Currently recruiting for new roster to make a second raid group in my guild on area 52. We went 7/9 mythic and have a full 1st group and are looking to create a second group.
All roles avail.
Raiding mon/tues 9 to midnight est. On Area 52
Feel free to add me on discord: tanatithe
If want more info ect. The goal will be a cutting edge pushing group, fair disclosure its a new roster so may be slow start, depending on how much recruiting i can manage before season 3.
Our guild loves running M+ and always welcome another active player as well.
(Please ignore character posting this… forum wont let me change it to main for what ever reason… lol

Updated gear and io

Ya warriors are bad in 10.2 I can reroll btw lol DH DEATHKNIGHT LOL