As Title Says, Late Night Consistent Player with Availability between 11pm-5am EST.
Leave your guild adverts if you’re recruiting for main roster or even a bench spot. Preferably long standing guilds.
As Title Says, Late Night Consistent Player with Availability between 11pm-5am EST.
Leave your guild adverts if you’re recruiting for main roster or even a bench spot. Preferably long standing guilds.
Hey Newn. Apotheosis on Windrunner-US has been raiding on the same schedule with the same raid lead for the past 15 years here. We’re long standing in the top guilds on our realm going AOTC heroic. We raid on TUE/THU/SUN from 7-10pm PST, which I think is close to what you’re looking for time wise. We don’t have bench spots, since raids flex up to 30 people, and we raid with mains not alts.
If you want to talk more you can message Myrla or myself in game. You can also pop into our Discord at 6VM8rQp.
<Weekends> is a social/casual guild 8/8H and 4/8M looking to fill our mythic roster. We raid twice a week Sat/Sunday 8-11pst. We are currently in need of tanks but are open to all positions applying. We are on Proudmoore if your interested in trying out.
We’re looking for a main tank right now to fill our immediate roster and are down to chat.
Times (that fit well for you): 8-11 PM PST (11-2AM EST) T/Thurs/Sun
We’re 4/8, Horde, on Hyjal in a guild called Excidiorum. If you want to chat, please feel free to reach out: discord: Rummie#1477, bnet: rummie#1853
Thanks for the reply but would like to have seen 8-11pm PST and possible mythic progression. Gl on recruiting
Hey Newn,
I’m Xanas from Resounding Maybe and I would be interested in talking to you. It looks like we meet your requirements. I sent you a btag request. Shoot me a message if you’re interested. A little about us:
Resounding Maybe - Late night weekend mythic progression guild [H] on Bleeding Hollow- Currently 6/8M
Resounding Maybe is a late-night weekend Mythic raiding guild. We formed as a group of friends looking to get back into end game raiding at the end of Legion, and have since been consistently climbing in rank on Bleeding Hollow.
At out core we’re a relaxed team of progression-minded raiders who understand real world commitments come first. Many of us have careers, families, are busy students, etc. With that said, we do seek the highest levels of content of WoW has to offer us, and expect everyone to come to raid prepared and ready to kill bosses. While we still have a great time during raid, we also understand wiping to repeated mistakes isn’t fun for anyone, and will always work to perfect and improve our team.
In the end we provide a structured and stable raid environment, detailed raid analysis, and a commitment to always make the most efficient use of our 6 hours of boss time. In turn we expect you to take time outside of raid to plan and prepare yourself to reliably carryout mechanics while magnifying your role in the raid.
Raid Times:
Logs required. Please apply at: https:// (remove space).
For more info, please contact Xanas#9343 (discord) (Xanas#11510 btag) or Kettch#6262 (discord).
are you looking for a tank in general? or a pally in specific?
Any non-Monk tank that plays well will be considered!
Thanks for the reply, I’ll keep you in mind to check into