441 Holy Pally LF AotC or M Prog guild

Looking for a guild that is still raiding, I have a couple nights prog of M Zskarn but roster boss has beaten us. Have logs if needed.

Available any day except Fri/Sat. 7-11pm server time.

Msg here or in game Nutrition#1627

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Heya, Calamity is currently recruiting for 10.2 to fill our mythic roster, currently 7/9M and raid Wed/Thurs 7-10pm svt. Currently on the look out for healers specifically :slight_smile: Please feel free to check out our add for more info: <Calamity> Barthilas - 7/9M LF DPS/Healers

Hey Fuegö,

We would welcome to into our guild, we at Valhalla are 9 raid teams, 1 X 9/9MCE, 2 X 8/9m and a 7/9M team with a raft of other teams. Would be happy to see if we can find a team that you would fit into? we are trying to build a massive community to ensure the raid teams keep rolling and that we have people to run keys with non stop. Jump into discord and Shoot Varcoe a message and we would love to try to find you a raid team to suit what you want!

Varcoe- Khaz’goroth (H)#8513

Hey mate, feel free to join our disc and shoot me a PM. Hopefully we can help you find a new home in our guild. Keen to chat. We are very active and growing more every day.

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Hi there hit me up on Btag Leox#6744 or msg me on disc leox
Fiction 8/9M - Wed/Mon 8.30pm - 11.30pm (server time)

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