440 Prot Warrior LF Mythic Raiding 7/8 Uldir, CE BOD

Figured I would try out the forums. A little bit of background on me. I am a 440 protection warrior looking to find a new home for mythic raiding around 6-10 PST time block for raiding, day/days of the week doesn’t matter.
In legion, I went 6/7 in mythic EN, 7/10 NH, 7/8 TOS, and CE ABT. I had to break off during NH progression to finish up school so I never was able to get further at the time. I came back just shortly before TOS launched and was able to hit the ground running for that raid.
For BFA I went 7/8 in Uldir with almost getting CE but we ended up with a 44k HP wipe :frowning:. In BOD my guild and I came back determined and achieved CE with Jaina.
Unfortunately, I had to step back from raiding for most of this tier because of my job. But I am going to be starting a new job shortly and will once again have time for raiding. During my abscence my guild fell apart and just being a casual player doesn’t really suit me.
You can reply here or send a DM on discord to Bear#6870. Looking forward to trialing!
TLDR: Prot warrior with lots of mythic experience looking for a new home.

Hey Bearheart,

I sent you a request on your discord, would you consider alliance? If so, my team is looking for a tank. We raid on Mons, Tues and Thurs from 8:30 to 11:30 PM central times that is 6:30 to 9:30 PM pacific times. We are currently 4/8M EP. Would love to chat with you, please add me on bnet at Rosettechrno#1937 or discord at Rosettechrno#8506 for more info.
Thanks again and good luck!