440 Hunter BM LF Guild

Hey all,

Just started to play WoW again and wanted to get back into the raiding scene. I did raid hardcore back in the day and haven’t really since legion/bfa. Looking for a chill and fun community and a guild that can teach me the ropes of these new raids :stuck_out_tongue: . I’m on the east coast and have no problem transferring to a new server or changing my faction. My raid times preferably are 8pm est to 1:30am est.

Hey there, we start at 7EST nOt sure if that’ll work or not, if it does maybe we’ll be the right fit!

Divine Minds is a new guild on US Illidian Horde Side.

we are currently recruiting all players to begin raiding again as a lot of the team is now returning from either classic or a long hiatus.

we will be raiding Wednesday and Friday 7PM-11PM EST.

Our goal is to push heroic content and step into mythic.

we continuously run Mythic plus’ to help gear each other on off nights.

If a guild like this interests you, please add me at Defusionz#1271.

Hi Tentatonic,

Retaliation is an alliance heroic progression guild that has been raiding and playing together in various games for over 10 years. We enjoy giving each other a hard time while still being successful.

Retaliation raids on Tuesday and Wednesday nights 8 PM to 10 PM ET. We use Discord for voice communication and go with a work hard play hard mentality. We also require a mythic+ to be completed each week to assist with progression. (We do these as a guild).

More details - AOTC Guild Recruiting - Come give each other crap with us!

Please if interested reach out to Isego#1586

Hello! I would recommend you take a look at the guild I am in. It is Evolved on Proudmoore. I have been in the guild for 2 years but played with a lot of the members for 4 years. The guild is very welcoming and inclusive. It is 18+ and you would need to have your character on Proudmoore.

There are mythic dungeon runs put together frequently. I do not raid much now but if you are interested in that they currently raid as follows:
Heroic Tuesday and Friday 6-8 server (PST) and an optional hour on Friday. To sign up you will need to have a 445-item level and sign up through the discord. There are currently 2 groups running this. (There may be achievement runs right now for older raids on Tuesdays and heroic on Friday- Check with a raid leader or officer for details)

There is a mythic team on Saturday- It is a bit stricter and if you are interested in that I would speak to a raid leader to find out more on that. I think those that do not run mythic are running something else- again you would need to speak with a raid leader for more details on this.

Sunday 6:00 pm server- Open Normal raid. Everyone is welcome to this one! :blush: You will just need a 430-item level and just be sure to be gemmed and enchanted. It is A LOT of fun and very laid back.

You can find more on the website evolvedgaming…org. You can also contact me jazzllanna#1246 and I can try to answer any questions and if I cannot help you, I can try to point you to someone who can

Are you a mature player that enjoys downing content but not the eat your children play style of so called cutting edge guilds?

Been playing long enough to be solid in any raid but just don’t want to put up with the kiddie crap anymore?

Been through as many guilds as there are expansions simply because guilds don’t seem to be made to last?

Judgement, founded in 2004, may be the place you can call home. We raid a short weekend evening schedule getting as much current content as we can without all the elitism and hate that can be encountered in “those” guilds.

We have simple requirements.

  1. get along with the rest of the members
  2. show up for raid 80% of the time
  3. know your class priorities when it comes loot roll time
  4. perform to at least 50% of what your gear will support on any boss fight.


Originally formed on Antonidas server where we were consistently in the top ten raid guilds on the server. We then moved to Grizzly hills where we were briefly the top 25 person raid team on that server. We eventually found our way to Turalyon server where we raid semi casually, getting as much as we can killed while not crying about what we haven’t.

We are currently 11/12H N’yalotha and interested in bringing some dps into the fold that better meet our #4 criteria.

Not many guilds can claim our longevity. If you are happy with kiddie guilds or more serious guilds that simply are not built to last then by all means scroll on bye. If you are looking for a more permanent home then feel free to contact us.


Guild & Server: Cupcakes and BDSM - Thrall (Horde)

Raid Times/Days: Sunday/Monday - 9pmEST-12amEST

Recruitment Contacts: Discord - AwesomeIsMatt#1304 or Saraid#2102

Requirements: Discord

Needs: We are a newly formed guild looking for anyone who wants to play the current content in a chill environment. We want to have fun getting to know each other, grow our community, make friends, while pushing the current content casually. Our goal is to build a community of tight knit guildies to then push Mythic content in Shadowlands.

We run keys, old content, WQ together, we pretty much do everything the game offers, togethers.

We also hold guild events for awards.

  • ps- Hit us up to join our discord