439 Demo Lock LF Guild

8/8H 3/8M
439 Demo


Hey there - I’m an officer in Taste My Axe, a semi-hardcore raiding guild on Bleeding Hollow (H). We’re 8/8H, 1/8M and raid just 2 days a week: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:00pm-11:30pm eastern. Hit me up on bnet (thedude#1329) / discord (Kermit#2320) to discuss further if you’re interested.
Thank you!

More info about us: <Taste My Axe> 8/8H — 9-11:30PM EST Tue & Thu — LFM for Heroic and Mythic Raiding

Hello Mcalison.

I sent you a friend request on Bnet so we can talk more. We are a 3/8M guild looking for ranged DPS who can maximize their class for the upcoming fights.

My Bnet is Andromeda#1168

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thanks for the add Talrin; I actually saw some of your gspam in trade chat I believe, but Wednesdays I workout till after you guys have started!

Aww shucks, no worries! Glad to have caught your interest a little bit at least :smiley: