435 Resto Druid and 436 Ret Pally LF Raid Team!

Hello all!
We are looking to transfer to this server due to time zone differences where we are currently. We are looking for a team that needs us both.
We would like to find a team that is already in mythic or just needs us to start. :slight_smile:
We are former 7/9 mythic raiders who’s team fell apart to classic and have been searching for the right fit ever since.

What we are looking for:
Non-drama guild that does raids and other content as well
Two night a week raid schedule (Can’t really do 3 or 4 right now)
The times we can raid are 7pm-10:30 CST Monday - Thursday
SORRY NO WEEKENDS - we travel every weekend :frowning:

Apparently we can’t link our logs on forums anymore but you are welcome to look ours up
Aearowen - Area52
Dawnshot - Area52

Please message me ON DISCORD as I am not able to check forums on a regular basis. Aearo#9581

We look forward to hearing from you :slight_smile: