434 Protection Pally

Hello everyone! I’m alamorian and i’m looking for a mythic raiding guild to tank for. I’ve tanked at a mid mythic level for several tiers. I was 5/8 in uldir and went 7/8 Heroic BOD before i had to take a 6 month break due to a move. I have recently come back and i’m looking to get back into a solid mythic raiding team. I’m currently 8/8 N 5/8 H of the current tier. My availability is 5pm to 9pm CST Monday-Friday and Saturday/Sunday anytime. I have played since 2005 and raided till 2011 and from legion to current with a few breaks due to real life.
Bnet Jonest28#1556, Discord Alamorian#5847

h ttps://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/id/39870534
h ttp://us.battle.net/wow/character/tichondrius/Alam%C3%B4rian/advanced
Raider IO:
h ttps://raider.io/characters/us/tichondrius/Alam%C3%B4rian

Hey Alamorian!

I’m the GM for Safe Word on Kilrogg/Winterhoof, and I’m finding myself in a sudden need for a tank for our Heroic/Mythic team!

We raid Tues/Thurs 7pm-10pm PST (Which I believe works with your schedule. We’re 7/8H, 8/8N, and will be hitting Mythic as soon as possible.

I won’t bore you with too much information here, so here’s my long post:

I sent you a bnet friend request and hope to chat soon!

We’re in need of a tank. Our times are a little off your desired, but we raid just Tuesday 8:30 - 12:30 EST.

Discord: Bigsteer#6667