431 currently, Guardian Druid LF a 8/8H Guild ( That plans to casually raid Mythic.)
I have tanked raids in almost every single expansion, and have mythic tanked some raid bosses as well. Have played the game for 10+ Years and in those 10+ years I mainly tank with some boomkin.
Hello, we are recruiting and looking for a tank:
Lint Roll My Carpet | Horde | Mal’Ganis
We raid Saturday and Sunday, 1:00am-3:30am CST
Hello Mooyorkstrip, we are currently looking for a Tank for our Mythic grp, guild mostly consists of Mythic raiders from back in WoD.
We Raid Tuesday and Thursday 830pm - 1130pm EST
Currently Horde on Area 52
Bnet: Blackdelta#11333
Let me know if you’re interested!
My team is currently AOTC and beginning to push into Mythic. We raid T/Th heroic 9-11pm est (optional for mythic team) and W/F is mythic prog 8:30-11pm est. My btag is UnholyMalia#1842 or discord Malia #3497. Hope to hear from you!
Would love to have a chat with you. hit me up. All our info below
About Us
Mint is an Alliance guild on US-Stormrage
We are a small, like minded group of AOTC raiders Lead by a Multiple time CE raiding veteran, committed to pushing further into Mythic this tier. Our guild is not for the easily offended. Hop on discord and you will know in 5 mins if it’s the guild for you. We clown around when it’s appropriate, and focus when it’s needed. Very active discord. We run keys daily.
Mint is a current content guild! No members intend to play classic full time.
Being on time and prepared.
Having discord/mic and be willing to use it.
Be receptive to constructive criticism, and voice opinions in a respectful way.
Raid Times:
9 - 12 Eastern Tuesday, Wednesday
Sunday is M+ day. have multiple groups getting people their 10 keys.
- 7/8H TEP
- 8/8N TEP
- 3/9M BOD
- 2/2H CE
Recruitment Needs:
We recruit the player not the class. No elitists here, but you will be judged on performance and attendance. All spots are competitive, even if our need is very low we will always trial any exceptional applicant. The following is a priority list by need:
Melee DPS: Low (DK, WW monk, Paly, DH)
Ranged DPS: Med (Warlock, Spriest, Boomkin,Ele sham)
Healer: Very low
Tank: low (BM/Bear/DK)
If we’ve piqued your interest at all, please give any of us officers a shout!
We do discord interviews no application required.
Swiz Madflavor#1783 (officer) Discord Swiz#6087
Ghostdonkey travjumba#1239 (Co-GM)
Gwennova Gwennett#1966 (Co-GM)
Caitiecatxo Toomanynames#11324 (officer)