Returning mythic player looking for mythic guild for EP/Nyalotha. Can play holy or protection - prefer protection, but understand tanks aren’t in high demand. Prefer weekdays/sunday night guilds. Feel free to reach out to chat in game.
bnet: Drew#1983
<Rally> 3/8M is a brand new guild formed by players who want to take their raiding time seriously. We are looking to push CE this tier and beyond with a solid core. We are an adult guild without toxicity. Stability and attendance a top priority. We pride ourselves on pushing out characters as much as possible, including running logs and sims.
Current needs are an exceptional healer, amazing dps including Shadow Priests and balance druids.
Our raid times are Tuesday, Friday, Saturday 8pm - 11pm server /eastern.
You can reach me @ uglie#1977 bnet, Uglie#9014 discord
or our raid lead killyouback @ amerik#11242 bnet , killyouback#3441
We are looking for a reliable H pally but mostly raid on Friday and Saturday.
Hey Moriene!
I’m an officer from Loud Noises. We are currently recruiting all roles so I’d love to chat with you! While we would love to find a great H pally, we always try to accommodate people on their preferred class/spec. We raid Tu/Th from 9-12EST. Current progression of our core group is 3/8M.
More Info
^^Here’s a link for you to read our full recruitment post to learn more about us.
Add me on discord at Cinna#9910 if you’re interested or have any questions!