430 BM Hunter LF Weekend raiding guild

Returning BM hunter looking for a weekend raiding guild as i work evenings during the week. Prefer heroic-mythic content, willing to server swap if i find the right fit and possibly faction swap as well.

AOTC in BoD and CoS and 7/8 EP

Armory link:https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/stormrage/airiatnie

Hello, we are recruiting:

How Long On Brez | Horde | Mal’Ganis

We raid Saturday and Sunday, 1:00am-3:30am CST


Greetings fellow citizens of Azeroth!

Chemical Imbalance is looking for more skilled raiders for 8.3 and beyond. As I am sure most of you have felt the pain of people both being burnt out by BfA and wanting to play classic, we are focusing on building up our roster for future content. If you think we may work for you just let us know.

We are looking for raiders who are committed to progression, both for their character and for the guild. What does this mean? We are not a super serious, high stress CE guild, but we still want people performing their best while having a good time. If you were the type of player who only logged on for raids, didn’t tell leadership if you would be out, or played around on alts while your neck got farther and farther behind, you are not the type of player we are looking for.

We hope to strike a good balance between focused progression and sarcastic banter. We do not want people looking to get AOTC and never raid again.

That being said, we have been around as a guild in various forms since The Burning Crusade and plan to be together for many more years. We have reliably gotten AOTC every tier since its inception and plan on pushing harder going forward, we need like-minded players to accomplish this :blush:

Current progression:

8/8 N EP
8/8 H EP
2/8 M EP-We do this as a co-op run every Saturday, we just started this due to roster struggles.

Raid schedule:

Friday and Saturday 9:00-12:00am EST(server time)

We are full on:

  • Tanks
  • Demon Hunters
  • Healers

All other DPS roles highly encouraged to apply!

If interested please feel free to contact.

If you’re truly willing to go Horde…

Renegades is a Horde raiding guild on Trollbane. We raid on Saturday and Sunday evenings from 6:30 - 10 p.m. EST. We are currently 4/8M (working on Orgozoa) and 8/8H (AotC) in Eternal Palace.

The guild was formed in May 2010 with a focus on community, and we pride ourselves on balancing a friendly environment with pushing Mythic progression. If you’re looking for a guild where raiders push progression at the expense of the people that they’re raiding with, we are not the right guild for you. But if you’re looking for a place to kill Mythic bosses with a quality team of players, I would welcome the opportunity to talk to you and tell you more about our guild.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss our guild and raiding environment further, please add my BattleTag, Zaranna#1449.

Thank you for your consideration.