Hey, so long story short, I just came back to the game 2.5 months ago after a 5 year “break”.
So far since returning I’ve done AotC in VotI, 2672io last season, and so far 2390 this season.
I’m looking for a raiding guild that is aiming at completing at least AotC in Aberrus. I would love to get into mythic raiding again as I have been a CE raider in the past, but that is absolutely not a necessity. I’d like for it to be a pretty relaxed environment, I play the game for fun, I don’t want to make this game a second job if that makes sense.
I would love a guild that also does M+ keys. My goal for last season was purely to complete all dungeons at 20+ based on the fact I only had about 5 weeks of doing M+. My goal this season is to push to around 3k rating or so.
As for my availability. From Monday-Friday I am available pretty much anytime between 6pm to 12am eastern standard time, and on weekends I can basically do any hours. I am a homebody, I work, and then I come home.
So yeah, either reply here, or add me in game, look forward to talking to everyone!
Edit: Oh I almost forgot, faction and realm are not important to me at this point in time, so Alliance or Horde guilds from any realms feel free to message.