I’m currently in a guild that is pretty casual, they are good people but more casual than I would like to be… and i recently got a more set schedule where I work FRI/SAT/SUN 7pm-730am Pacific time. I do a D&D group on Tuesdays, which leaves my available raid nights to WED/THUR/MON each week.
About me:
I have heroic/mythic experience in the past usually clearing heroic most tiers at content and doing light progression into mythic bosses until the next tier released.
I take “the grind” outside of raid pretty seriously when I can… BFA launched on 8/14/18 and I had pathfinder part 1 done 8/27/18, and i had every 8.0 BFA reputation to exalted by 9/11/18. I had pathfinder part 2 done 7/4/19.
Currently my Azerite neck level is 61, my item level is 427, and my raider IO is 858 (Considering i have no set group i do M+ with, and i entirely depend on pugs, this isn’t too bad… since pugs often have quitters and just horrible players in groups at random sometimes… I’m easily capable of higher M+ though.)
I am mechanically minded in boss fights but i also like to push parses as high as i can so i do good damage. My average rankings for normal currently is 92.7 percentile in warcraftlogs, and my average for the first 3 bosses of heroic (through dungeon finder pugs) is 79.3 percentile. To put that in terms of damage… the first boss of normal which is my best normal parse… I did 37.3k dps.
I sim myself often using Raidbots and the simulationcraft addon. I do my research on fights as well as on my own class and upcoming changes. I am a solid raider that has basically been sacrificing what I am capable of, for the sake of a group i enjoy being part of for a long time now… In casual and/or “semi serious” raid guilds… there is usually half the group that is carrying the other half… and I always find myself in the group that is doing the carrying not the half being carried.
What I am looking for:
I am looking for a guild that is at LEAST doing serious progression into heroic and always clears it at content. AOTC each tier is an expectation. I would prefer a guild that is pushing into mythics as I believe this is where my level of talent is comparable to. I’m not “world first” material but I’m better than the required skill level for heroic progression.
I am looking for a guild that has groups of people regularly running mythic + keys 10 or higher. I have been able to complete 10’s or higher in pugs each week but it can be quite a hassle finding good/decent pugs and it’s always better having a regular group you run with.
I’d like a guild that has raid times on WED/THUR/MON (any combination of those days is fine) preferably at evening time or late night pacific time.
Reply here if you are interested in me. Even if you can’t guarantee me a raid spot, I might still be interested in a social rank in guild. Thank you for your time.