Hi, all!
So, I’m looking to find a nice guild to play with, hopefully one where I can join and that be the last guild I ever join, haha. I have played on and off since BfA’s launch, and I’ve tried playing other MMOs, but for me, none of them compare to WoW. So I would love to be able to find a guild to join and just enjoy this wonderful game with. I’m looking for something pretty casual, probably, as I just don’t have the time to put into raiding hardcore anymore. Most of my raiding experience in WoW has been as a holy paladin, though I’ve been playing ret most of this expansion. I’m looking to get back into healing, though I don’t think I want to heal on my pally as I just don’t really enjoy holy pally much anymore. I have a lot of alts, and I’m the type who keeps many characters ready to go. Basically, I’m looking for a chill guild to hang out in game or in discord with and just have some fun. I tried to be more elaborate about what I’m looking for lower in the post. Thanks!
A Little About Me:
I’m 27 years old, and I have a history degree, and my area of focus was Roman and British history. I wrote my senior thesis on The Fall of Rome, for those of you who may be history buffs. Outside of playing video games, I’m a die hard sports fan. Baseball has always been my one true love, and I’m a huge Braves fan, but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve become more and more fond of football as well. I’m a Falcons fan (RIP) and UGA fan. Also, with the inception of Atlanta United, I’m becoming more and more of a soccer fan each day as well. I play all sorts of games, though MMOs are definitely my favorite genre.
My WoW History:
I started playing WoW back in the end of TBC, and I didn’t hit max level until around the middle of Wrath. I was really, really bad at the game. My first raid was ICC, and I raided as a death knight with a bunch of irl friends. We weren’t very good, but we cleared ICC, so that’s cool, I guess. During Cataclysm, I joined a huge PvP guild on my server. I was on Kil’jaeden at the time, and wPvP was quite big back then on KJ, so I spent most of Cata doing wPvP as well as some random BG shenanigans. I also did normal DS on my mage. When MoP came around, I main switched to Holy Paladin, which turned out to be my favorite spec in the game. I spent the early stages of MoP trying to learn holy pally, and when SoO eventually came out, I joined my first “hardcore” guild. The guild was not established or anything, but we got a solid core, and I became an officer pretty quickly. We cleared 13/14H on 25man, but because of the length of SoO (we started a bit late) and attendance issues, we took a break as a guild until WoD. In WoD, I switched to shadow priest for some reason, and I really didn’t enjoy it that much, so it was back to the Holy Paladin. With some of my guildies from MoP, we formed a new guild for HFC and I was forced to quit raiding right after we killed Mythic Gorefiend due to a night class that I had to take. In Legion, I played Ele Shaman, though I didn’t much. I took a total of 14 classes in my last 2 semesters of college, so I didn’t have very much time to raid. That said, I did join a casual guild that raided weekends in NH, and I cleared 10/10H on my shaman. Since the start of BfA, I’ve dabbled with pugs and some M+ but haven’t been in a guild for anything organized. I’m now at a place where I feel I can find the guild I’ve always been looking for, so I can get back into raiding.
What I’m Looking For:
- A guild that raids 2 or 3 nights per week. I’d really prefer a weekend guild (Friday/Saturday nights), but I have open availability in the evenings, so weekday evening guilds are fine as well.
- Server or faction doesn’t matter much for me. Obviously if you’re on Stormrage Alliance then that’s ideal since I’m an alt guy and all my toons are there, but I’m really just looking to get the best fit.
- A guild that is active outside of raid times. I have been in a lot of raid logging guilds in that past, and that’s just not for me, as I play the game a lot outside of raid. This is perhaps the most important thing for me, honestly.
I’m sorry this has been so long, but I just wanted to be as thorough as possible in hopes of finding the right fit. I’m really interested in finding the guild that is the best fit for me in terms of personalities and philosophies, as opposed to best fit in terms of just raiding, if that makes sense.
If you have any questions at all or think your guild may be a good fit, feel free to reply here or add me on bnet at Logan#14431.