Hello! I returned to the game from a short break at the start of patch 8.2.5. I was 4/9M in BOD, and I am currently 425 Item Level and 65 (almost 66) HOA level. I’m looking for a weekend raiding guild (any times are fine). I’m an active player that enjoys M+ and just generally playing the game. If you need to see logs from last tier they are under Kinkysnorlax. Thank you for any consideration! My Battlenet ID is Colten0994#1543
We are currently looking for a healer or 2 to finish out our mythic team. We might be a good fit for you.
Chemical Imbalance is looking for more skilled raiders for 8.3 and beyond. As I am sure most of you have felt the pain of people both being burnt out by BfA and wanting to play classic, we are focusing on building up our roster for future content.
We are looking for raiders who are committed to progression, both for their character and for the guild. What does this mean? We are not a super serious, high stress CE guild, but we still want people performing their best while having a good time. If you were the type of player who only logged on for raids, didn’t tell leadership if you would be out, or played around on alts while your neck got farther and farther behind, you are not the type of player we are looking for.
We hope to strike a good balance between focused progression and sarcastic banter. We do not want people looking to get AOTC and never raid again.
That being said, we have been around as a guild in various forms since The Burning Crusade and plan to be together for many more years. We have reliably gotten AOTC every tier since its inception and plan on pushing harder going forward, we need like-minded players to accomplish this
Current progression:
8/8 N EP
8/8 H EP
2/8 M EP-We do this as a co-op run every Saturday, we just started this due to roster struggles.
Raid schedule:
Friday and Saturday 9:00-12:00am EST(server time)
We are full on:
- Tanks
- Demon Hunters
- Healers
All other DPS roles highly encouraged to apply!
If interested please feel free to contact.
Hello, we are recruiting:
How Long On Brez | Horde | Mal’Ganis
We raid Saturday and Sunday, 1:00am-3:30am CST
I’m Xanas from Resounding Maybe and I would be interested in talking to you. A little about us is below:
Resounding Maybe - Late night weekend mythic progression guild [H] on Bleeding Hollow- Currently 5/8M
Resounding Maybe is a late-night weekend Mythic raiding guild. We formed as a group of friends looking to get back into end game raiding at the end of Legion, and have since been consistently climbing in rank on Bleeding Hollow.
At out core we’re a relaxed team of progression-minded raiders who understand real world commitments come first. Many of us have careers, families, are busy students, etc. With that said, we do seek the highest levels of content of WoW has to offer us, and expect everyone to come to raid prepared and ready to kill bosses. While we still have a great time during raid, we also understand wiping to repeated mistakes isn’t fun for anyone, and will always work to perfect and improve our team.
In the end we provide a structured and stable raid environment, detailed raid analysis, and a commitment to always make the most efficient use of our 6 hours of boss time. In turn we expect you to take time outside of raid to plan and prepare yourself to reliably carryout mechanics while magnifying your role in the raid.
- 5/8M AEP
- 2/2H CoS
- 8/9M BoD
- 3/8M Uldir
Raid Times:
- Fridays | 12am-3am EST
- Saturdays | 11pm-2am EST
- Wednesdays (Optional Heroic) | 11pm-2am EST
Logs required. Please apply at: https:// guilded.gg/r/AdrRpmKeDl?i=GAnne53A (remove space).
For more info, please contact Xanas#9343 (discord) or Kettch#6262 (discord).
Hey there. Sent you a btag inv. NFA is a 5/8M palace with 2 percent wipes on council - CE uldir and BoD weekend guild here. We raid fri/sat 10:30pm-1:30am EST (7:30pm-10:30 pm PST) and could really use a resto sham! If the add didnt stick feel free to add me on bnet @ thela#1545. Thanks!
My apologies, my Battlenet ID was incorrect when I originally posted. I’ve edited the post to reflect the correct Battlenet ID. Thank you!
hi kinky, just wanted to post thia incase you might be able to work out being able to play in our dates aswell as playing on the correct side. if you are interested, please feel free to add me to furthwr discuss.
|A| Vengeance
[ sargeras ] |4/8M|
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 8 - 11 pm EST.
Currently we are looking for reliable people with at least heroic experience that play the following classes ;;
Resto shamman -
Warlock -
shadow priest -
boomkin -
During our off nights, we run M+, heroic EP, pvp arenas and classic.
We wont abandon you. just because you may not be performing at your best it does not mean you suck. We will work with you, we have amazing people that can get you there - so long as you let us
Please NO DRAMA - we are a very relax group of people who enjoy the game, we like to have fun and progress - we enjoy listening to music while doing trash, gamble while waiting / during breaks. We are just happy gamer’s who enjoy the game despite all of its flaws.
If interested please ADD us or leave a comment - will get back to you ASAP.
Hi there! Good luck with your search!
Koalaty Time is a Horde guild on Mal’Ganis looking for more like-minded individuals ready to down bosses, run M+, PVP, get achievements, and build relationships.
We are not a hardcore guild; we focus first on our environment and the ability to play in a healthy exciting way. We encourage everyone to embrace their love for the game and do so as a team to reach our goals together in unity.
Our raids are led by experienced raiders who have done the research and put in the time to explain, adjust, and help everyone get to the point we need for success.
Current Progression
3/8 Mythic Eternal Palace
8/8 Heroic Eternal Palace AOTC
Raid Schedule
Heroic Wednesday 7:30pm - 10:30pm CST (8:30pm - 11:30pm EST)
Friday/Saturday 7:30pm - 10:30pm CST (8:30pm - 11:30pm EST)
Optional (alt runs, key runs, clean up)
Contact List
GM: Battlenet: Landrius#1121 Discord: Landrius#1015
would like to chat with you if you got a moment we are alliance are you interested in going alliance?