421ilv MW lf raiding guild HORDE

I was only 2/9M BOD I didnt have a guild but i transferred horde on my main mw to look for a raiding guild for this new raid I am free anytime works tbh I am really wanting to commit 100% into this raid and I dont really have to much for logs but im willing to prove my self if interested please add me :slight_smile: Btag Mistweaver#11434 Discord Canada#3841 OH and if your interested in looking at my mw the name is Canadianqt-Illidan :heart:

Late Night Pain Train, LNPT, is recruiting members to continue current progression through raiding along with mythic plus and other various outside activities such as PVP, achievement runs, etc. Our raid times are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 10-12 server EST. On zul’jin
The main focus is having a team of solid players that maintain a positive attitude during raids and encouraging toward other guildmates with the emphasis on improving and growing as we continue to work our way through each new level of challenging content.
We are recruiting all classes and specs and encourage our members to play what that enjoy.
For more information please contact Jabinee, Gorkow, Drakopolis, Holyapple or Brutall.
Battle Tags. Jabini#1699 Gortao#1301 typicalr0x#1759

DMCG - 7/8H

Looking for healers and ranged dps.

Ran by Cutting Edge and former top US25 players.

Raid Schedule: (CST)

  • Tuesday: 9:30pm - 12:30am
  • Wednesday: 9:30pm - 12:30am
  • Thursday: 9:30pm - 12:30am

Application Requirements: (Minimum)

  • You should be at least 385 item level equipped in your main specialization.
  • You should have at least Heart of Azeroth level 40.
  • You should be fully enchanted, gemmed, and itemized.
  • You should maintain near perfect attendance (less than 2 missed raid per month).

About DMCG: (Simplified)

  • We do not recruit for the bench, everybody can earn a core spot.
  • We expect all raiders to put in time improving their character.
  • We want to surround ourselves with motivated and skilled raiders.
  • We expect you to maintain a friendly, constructive, and fun Guild atmosphere…


  • Swiv: Swiver#11128 (Recruiter)
  • Axl: axel#1527 (GM)
  • Mcgoon: Mcgoo#1298 (Officer)

About us:
We formed during Legion and were pushing mythic content right out the gate. We all decided to step away from the game during Uldir due to lack of interest in the content among the guild. Recently about 10 of us have gotten together and decided to return to the game.

Weds 11pm-2am Server (9pm-midnight PST)
Thurs 11pm-2am Server (9pm-midnight PST)

What We Are Looking For:
Fun is definitely our motivating factor (which is why we agreed as a whole to step away from the game when players did not find it fun). A large factor though is definitely progression and seeing as much content as possible. We are seeking players with a positive attitude that understand an error correction is not a personal attack.

Classes Needed:
Like I said with us recently returning, no classes are off the table. We primarily are in need of some solid ranged DPS as a primary need though.

My Bnet: ChugsBleach#1280

If u have any questions or would like to discuss further plz reach out any time :slight_smile:

Hello! If you are serious about getting into mythic raiding and achieving cutting edge on a realible level i would love to chat with you.
I wont spam you with a copy paste recruit thread ill just give you the details.

Insurgency is a 10 year guild that has only missed CE twice in those 10 years.
Raid times 10pm-1am (central) T/W/Th
Btag Raw#1926 Discord Raw#0085

Hey Bye,

You sound like you’d be a great fit for our guild! I’m recruiting for Koalaty Time, a Horde-based guild on Mal’Ganis. We are currently 8/8N, 6/8H EP, and aiming to start mythic progression in the coming weeks. Our raid times are W/F 8-10:30 EST. If you’d like to read more about our guild, check out our guild post here: [H] 8/8N 3/8H W/F 8-1030pm EST guild seeking one healer and R DPS!

We pride ourselves on our fun, positive culture. Our goal is to create a supportive community where people look forward to raiding and running M+ with their friends. If you’d like to chat, feel free to add me directly on bnet: Jargon#1804. Good luck in your search!

BTag: Jargon#1804
Discord: felbert#6459

Hi Canadianqt

Dungeon Crawl is an Adult Raiding Guild on Illidan with a long history. Looking for players round out the Team.{3/9 Heroic 7/8 NormaL Eternal Palace } Experienced Raiders 410+ Raid Times T/TH 8-11 est. Fun Raiding while Progressing.

Get in touch with Mandalin #1731