Hello, im a 420 rogue (I will play whatever spec is asked of me) Looking for a raiding guild on Tuesday and Thursdays. Nothing that ends too late. I am someone who takes WoW seriously and I have a passion for the game. I always want to better myself and my character progression. I just built a new PC and im ready to get into raiding. Im a college student, so im not looking for any crazy mythic progression. I simply want a guild that can farm Heroic, and maybe clear half of the mythic fights in the raid without it being a guild breaker. Im always online and im always down to run keys and do stuff. Add my bnet if interested !
Hey Haizee,
We’re having our Monday fun-run tonight at 8pm EST. How about you join us and trial. You’ll see our community and get a feel for how we raid. Spam is below, add me.
Located on Area-52 a highly populated Horde server, Moted(7/8H) is an AotC/early mythic focused guild that enjoys raiding in a lighter atmosphere. We run m+10’s and higher weekly for the entire guild. We offer cauldrons and feasts, as well as guild repairs for raiders. We have many former top end CE raiders who aren’t interested in playing the game like that anymore. We just destroy heroic, dabble in mythic, get our 10’s and higher in but most of all, HAVE FUN! We’re a community that has been together for a very long time, we enjoy our game time, it’s not stressful or a shout-fest! it’s a joke/booze/laughter/loot filled 3 hours!
We raid Tue & Thu from 8p-11p EST with an optional ‘fun-run’ on Monday.
Uldir AotC - week 3(2/8M)
BoD AotC - week 5(1/9M)
CoS AotC - week 1(no mythic for our sanity)
Discord(preferred): Jaystir#1204
Bnet: Jaystir#1960
Hi Haizee!
Safe Word on Kilrogg/Winterhoof is looking to add to our Tues/Thurs raid team, currently pushing heroic and looking to dig into mythic soon. We raid 7-10 server time and when we aren’t raiding we have m+ groups, pvp, etc.
Here’s our main recruitment post for more specific info:
I’m reachable on bnet at Lyra#11630 and discord Esaora#3578. Our guild master just sent you a friend request as well (Fried)
Hope to hear from you soon!