Hi there im posting on an alt just to avoid drama of my guild knowing im shopping around.
I am seeking a guild that wants to push high level mythic raiding. My raid schedule is fairly open however i prefer times after 9EST and no later than 12 just cause i have work and junk.
My monk is MS Brewmaster 419 ilvl I also have a geared set for both MW and WW each being around like 416 i believe.
I have previous mythic experience of 2/8 in Uldir and 3/9 in BoD. I realize this is lower experience however I do believe I have what it takes to push higher with a better team.
Currently in EP I am 7/8N 6/8H!
I am willing to faction transfer for the right fit and conditions however i would prefer to stay on the horde if i have the choice.
Thanks for your time feel free to add me on btag BigT#1946 or post on here. I will check it every now and then. Thank you for your consideration!
Ruined Immersion is a casual raiding guild looking to fill our ranks. We raid one day a week (Sat) from 11:30am-3:30pm (EST). We do mythic keys, island expeditions, and various other things throughout the week. As a bonus during raids one of our tanks has players roll at half time for 100k gold and whoever wins gets it. Now how many guilds can you say are out there that offer an incentive for raiding? If this sounds like something you might be interested in check us out below: