419 Multi Spec Rogue 7/8M LF CE Guild

Hello I am a multi spec Rogue looking for a new guild to get CE and remain in it. I started play the game in S2 of SL and only did Heroic until this tier where I joined a guild a managed to get 7/8M, I am leaving the guild because the guild had problems with attendance with members the whole tier and members leaving mid way through. I can play all three Rogue specs comfortably and will switch spec if needed on specific boss fight.
I prioritize progression and can make adjustments if needed for encounters. Don’t have multiple years of CE experience but I am extremely hungry for getting CE as fast as possible and always looking to improve and min max off raid.
Bnet: JoshiBrezze#1284
Discord: JoshiBrezze#1555
All my logs are public you can find them under the name: Shavedpinga-Area52


Volatile-Whisperwind is currently looking to add our roster for 10.1 and current tier. We strive to push as far as we can in mythic. We’re currently 6/8 working on broodkeeper. Please checkout our recruitment post to learn more about us and possibly apply if interested.

Bump still looking