419 hunter 415 hpal or w/e lfg H prefered

Hey, im known as nerc with all my friends i have been playing since classic and im looking for a guild to try to call home. I have experience raiding and pvping, i was 3/11 M antorus havent raided a lot during bfa since once my guild hit 3/11 my account was banned by blizzard without them giving me a reason so i bought a new account since i am a fanboy of the franchise and love the game on my old account i reached 2k rating+ in pvp was at one point the rank 1 warrior on feathermoon in mists, i have a lot of experience playing the game but don’t have a home. my hours atm are very poor for raiding but if i can find a fit i would be willing to server transfer or boost a new character for the future expansion or 8.3 raid tier. my hours for work are currently working either Wednesday and Thursday of one week or i have Wednesday and Thursday off and work the rest of the week i can go into more detail if needed but i work 7-7 cst with occasional overtime lasting an extra 4 hours so the day i work are not set in stone for hours.
One way you can contact me is through discord nerc#7550 or add my battle tag and we can talk nerc#1111.